celebrate | Necesitábamos algo para celebrar vuestro futuro. | Well, I thought we needed something to celebrate your future. |
celebrate | Esperando una ocasión apropiada para celebrar. | Just waiting for a proper occasion to celebrate. |
celebrate | Algunos iremos al Lotus a celebrar. | Some of us are going to the Lotus to celebrate. |
celebrate | Nada, solo quería celebrar algo. | Nothing. I just wanted to celebrate something. |
celebrate | Vamos a celebrar el acontecimiento con traquiquiriwhisco sabroso. | Let us celebrate the event... with some delicious spirits. |
celebrate | Vamos a celebrar con ellos apenas regresemos. | We've got to celebrate with those guys as soon as we get back. |
celebrate | Quiero celebrar mi buena suerte repartiendo consejos obscenamente excesivo. | I want to celebrate my good fortune by handing out obscenely excessive tips. |
celebrate | ¿Ustedes desea celebrar con un poco... | Do you guys want to celebrate with a little... |
celebrate | Llévalo a la playa para celebrar. | Take him down to the beach to celebrate. |
celebrate | Tomaré otra copa para celebrar la buena noticia. | I'm going to have another drink to celebrate your good news. |
celebrate | Puedes comprarnos una pinta para celebrar. | You can buy us both a pint to celebrate. |
celebrate | Llamo para celebrar una ocasión memorable. | I'm calling to celebrate a momentous occasion. |
celebrate | Desearía que pudiéramos quedarnos a celebrar. | Welcome to the gang. I wish we could stay and celebrate. |
celebrate | No me necesitas para celebrar tu victoria. | You don't need me to celebrate your victory. |
hold | Quizás convenga celebrar una reunión internacional sobre el tema seleccionado. | It may be advisable to hold one international meeting on the chosen subject. |
hold | Sería útil celebrar antes una reunión no oficial. | It would be helpful to hold an informal meeting beforehand. |
conclude | El derecho a celebrar contratos y acuerdos. | The right of women to conclude contracts and agreements. |
celebrate | Mi hermano y su mujer celebraron su quinto aniversario de bodas. | My brother and his wife celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary. |
celebrate | Los hinchas celebraron la victoria de su equipo. El pueblo celebró la noticia del nacimiento del príncipe. | The fans celebrated their team's win. |
hold | El país vecino celebrará las elecciones el primer domingo de mayo. Tras años de noviazgo, María y Juan celebraron su boda por todo lo alto. | The neighbouring country will hold elections on the first Sunday of May. |
say | El obispo celebró una misa solemne. | The Pope said Mass in front of a crowd of 20,000. |
celebrate, say | El obispo celebró una misa solemne. | The bishop celebrated a solemn mass. |
sign | Ambos presidentes celebraron el contrato de la fusión de sus empresas. | Both presidents signed the contract for the merger of their companies. |
celebrate | Tras años de noviazgo, celebraron su boda por todo lo alto. | After several years of engagement, they went all out to celebrate their wedding. |