that | No quiero escuchar esto o aquello. | I don't want to hear this or that. |
that | No hablas de aquello que llena tus pensamientos. | You won't speak of that which is constantly in your thoughts. |
that | El primer equipo observando esto y aquello. | The first team looking out for this and that. |
that | Entonces aquel día acabé con aquello. | Then one day I was done with that. |
that | Pensé que habías superado todo aquello. | I thought you grew out of all of that. |
that | Es difícil racionar aquello que no tienes. | It is difficult to ration that which you do not have. |
that | Soy aquello que tú quieres destruir. | I'm that what you seek to destroy. |
that | Está distraído por esto y aquello. | He's distracted by this one and that. |
that | Bueno, es como aquello científico. | Well, it's like that science thing. |
that | Temí que aquello le pudiera acarrear grandes dificultades. | I anticipated that he would be involved in great difficulty. |
that | Tuve una relación, pero aquello terminó. | I was in a relationship, but that ended. |
that | No debería haberte acusado de aquello. | I shouldn't have accused you of that. |
that | Quiero hacer todo aquello que tú consideres conveniente. | I want to do everything that you think best. I really do. |
that | El primer mes fue aquello del brazalete. | The first month there was that about the bracelet. |
that | 6 meses escuchándote prometerme esto y aquello. | For six months I have listened to you promise me this and that. |
that | Pensé en aquello cuando te lastimaste. | I thought about that when you hurt yourself. |
that | Eres aún muy joven para aquello. | You are still young, I won't do that to you. |
that | Y aquello resultó ser una emboscada. | And that turned out to be an ambush. |
that | Está toda estresada sobre esto y aquello. | She's all stressed out about this and that. |
that one | Por aquello me pagaron 600 dólares. | Well, they paid me $600 for that one. |
what | Trae aquello que está encima de la mesa. | Bring what is on top of the table. |