surface | Capitana, estoy detectando vida en la superficie. | (ALARM BEEPING) Captain, I'm detecting life on the surface. |
surface | Parece alguna clase de superficie reflectiva. | That looks like some sort of reflective surface. |
surface | Ahora quiero volver a la superficie. | I think I'd like to go back to the surface now. |
surface | Decidí transportarme directamente a la superficie. | I decided to beam directly to the surface. |
surface | Agitará la superficie como un preludio de aspiración. | It will agitate the surface as a prelude to suction. |
surface | En este momento sólo estamos rasgando la superficie. | At this point, we've just begun to scratch the surface. |
surface | Lanza chorros de agua hacia la superficie. | It shoots jets of water up to the surface. |
surface | Reflejos desde la superficie del planeta. | Reflections, sir, from the planet's surface. |
surface | Comandante, perturbaciones en la superficie de Marte. | Commander, there is a disturbance on the surface of Mars. |
surface | Y empiezas a arañar la superficie. | And you're just starting to scratch the surface. |
surface | Y podría espiar cualquier región de la superficie terrestre. | And would be able to spy on any region of the earth's surface. |
surface | Microbios en la superficie del tubo. | These were microbes on the tube's surface. |
surface | Hay tormentas cerca de la superficie. | I'm reading even more severe storms near the surface. |
surface | Hay nenúfares en la superficie del agua. | There are hibiscus that bloom on the surface of the water. |
surface | Apenas habíamos rascado en la superficie. | Rossi, voice-over: We were barely scratching the surface. |
surface | Tan pronto como toqué la superficie pude sentirlo. | As soon as the air touched its surface, I could feel it. |
surface | Va a mirar cómo luce la superficie. | It's going to look at what the surface looks like. |
area | Tienen una superficie de 12.733 km2 aproximadamente. | They have an area of approximately 12,173 sq. km. |
area | Somalia tiene una superficie de aproximadamente 637.657 km2. | Somalia occupies a land area of approximately 637,657 square kilometres. |
surface area | Porque hay más superficie en las alas. | Because there's more surface area on the wings. |
surface | Limpia bien la superficie de la mesa. | Clean the surface of the table very well. |
space | Están talando el bosque para tener más superficie cultivable. | The forest is being cut down to create more space for farming. |
the Earth's surface, the surface of the Earth | La superficie de la tierra tiene 12 km de espesor. | The Earth's surface is 12 km thick. |