attend | El cuarto hijo puede asistir gratuitamente. | The fourth child can attend free of charge. |
attend | Tengo que asistir la recepción del príncipe japonés. | I have to attend a reception for the Japanese prince. |
attend | Tratamos de llamarla para que pudiera asistir. | We tried to contact you so you could attend. |
attend | [Quedan todos invitados a asistir. | [All are invited to attend these events. |
attend | El experto invitado del Pacífico no pudo asistir. | The invited expert from the Pacific was unable to attend. |
attend | El Presidente y algunos parlamentarios van a asistir. | The President and members of the parliament are going to attend it. |
attend | Nos sentimos obligados a asistir por Rory. | We felt someone ought to attend, for Rory's sake. |
attend | Bien, estaremos encantados de asistir. | Fine, we'd be delighted to attend. |
attend | Estamos convencidos de que debe asistir. | We strongly feel (WHISPERING) that you should attend. |
attend | Tenía otros compromisos, no pude asistir. | I had other obligations, I could not attend. |
attend | Tenía curiosidad si le gustaría asistir. | I was curious as to whether you'd like to attend. |
attend | Hay un paciente que debo asistir. | There's a patient that I must attend. |
assist | Prepárese para asistir, doctor Haas. | Scrub up and assist, Dr. Haas. |
assist | Estamos enviando un escuadrón de Cazas Sombra para asistir. | We're sending down a squadron of Shadow Fighters to assist. |
go | Pero cualquiera puede asistir en su comunidad. | But, you know, anybody can go in and offer assistance to their community. |
help | Un médico le asistió en el parto. | A doctor helped with the birth. |
help, assist | En el experimento le asistían dos ayudantes. | Two aides helped (or: assisted) him with the experiment. |
attend | Al estreno de la película asistieron muchos famosos. | A lot of famous people attended the film premiere. |