half | La mitad de lo que obtengo, la mitad de la mitad de lo que recibe, la mitad de la mitad de la la mitad de lo que obtienes. | The half of what I get, the half of the half of what he gets, the half of the half of the half of what you get. |
half | Soy mitad irlandés, mitad italiano, mitad mexicano. | But, no. Half Irish, half Italian, half Mexican. |
half | Es mitad ardilla, mitad conejo. | It's half squirrel, half rabbit. |
half | Huevos revueltos con queso y mitad tocino, mitad salchichas. | Scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese and half bacon, half sausage. |
half | Soy mitad humano, mitad máquina. | I'm half man, half machine. |
half | Soy mitad motores, mitad músculos. | I'm half motors, half muscles. |
half | Se ha decidido que la unión será mitad betazoide, mitad terrícola. | So they've decided that the joining will be half Betazed, half Earth. |
half | Soy mitad inglés, mitad alemán. | I'm half English, half German. |
half | Parecía mitad entrenamiento y mitad castigo. | It seemed, half training and half punishment. |
half | Es mitad calle delantera y mitad calle trasera. | It's half front street, half back lane. |
half | Es mitad teclado y mitad guitarra. | It's half keyboard and half guitar. |
half | Es mitad japonés y mitad italiano. | He is half Japanese and half Italian. |
half | Es mitad irlandés y mitad filipino. | He is half Irish and half Filipina. |
half | Tú eres mitad perdedor, mitad ganador. | The other half, a winner. |
half | Era mitad terrícola, mitad extraterrestre. | It was half earth dweller, extraterrestrial half. |
half | Ahora es mitad humano y mitad aumentado. | Now he's half man and half machine. |
half | Es mitad banana, mitad búfalo. | It's half banana, half buffalo. |
half | Era mitad ciervo, mitad cebra. | It was half deer, half zebra. |
half | Una criatura mitad humana y mitad animal. | A creature that's half human, half beast. |
half | Son mitad animal, mitad personas. | They're half animal, half people. |
half | Yo me como esta mitad del bocadillo y tú esta otra. | I am going to eat this half of the sandwich, and you can have this other one. |
midpoint, halfway point | El pueblo está a mitad de camino. | The town is at the midpoint (or; halfway point) of the distance. |
half | Una sirena es mitad mujer y mitad pez. | A mermaid is half woman and half fish. |