still | Rompí demasiadas promesas cuando aún vivía. | I broke enough promises to her while she was still alive. |
still | Opinamos que queda aún mucho por hacer. | We are of the view that there is still considerable room for further work. |
still | Ahora aún son extraños para ella. | Right now you're still strangers to her. |
still | Y aún tenéis el cuerpo rodando. | And you're still carrying the body around. |
still | Imaginé que aún necesitaría las pastillas. | I figured you guys would still want these pills. |
still | Entonces aún hay tiempo de detenerla. | Then there's still some time to stop it. |
still | Pete, aún estamos resolviendo cosas aquí. | Pete, we're still working out some stuff over here. |
still | Pero aún tenemos esperanzas, Wade. | But we still have a chance, Wade. |
still | Sé que el ferrocarril aún vendrá. | I know that the railway will still come. |
still | Entonces supe que aún estabas esperándome. | Then I knew you were still waiting for me. |
still | Parte de él aún desea luchar. | (low, distorted): Part of it still wishes to fight. |
still | Y aún queda mucho por empacar. | And still it is left much by empacar. |
still | Y aún tenemos muchas posibilidades de curación. | And we still have a very good chance of cure. |
still | La endemoniada velocidad sigue con los Ferraris aún adelante. | The fiendish pace continues with the Ferraris still holding their lead. |
still | Señora, debe pagar aún 70.000 rupias. | Ma'am, you still have to pay 70,000 rupees. |
still | Arendelle aún estará ahí mientras resolvemos esto. | Arendelle will still be there while we figure this out. |
even | Eres demasiado egocéntrico aún siendo gato. | You are so self centred, even for a cat. |
even | Hay horarios que cumplir, aún en Colombia. | There are schedules to be maintained... even in Colombia. |
yet | Las autoridades sirias aún aguardan una respuesta a esa propuesta. | The Syrian authorities have yet to receive a response to that proposal. |
yet | No obstante, aún debía presentarse al Parlamento. | However, it had yet to be introduced in Parliament. |
still | Me parece que Juan aún es muy inmaduro para tomar esa decisión. Son las diez de la noche y tu hermano aún no ha llegado. | It's ten o'clock and your brother still hasn't arrived. |
still | Tomás nos engañó y aún tuvo el descaro de burlarse de nosotros. | Thomas hoodwinked us and still had the cheek to make fun of us about it. |
still | Pablo heredó la fábrica de su padre y aún se queja de que no tiene dinero. | Pedro inherited the factory from his father and still moans that he's penniless. |