avoid | Es importe evitar esos efectos negativos. | It is important to avoid such negative effects. |
avoid | Es esencial evitar una nueva congelación. | It is essential to avoid a new freeze. |
avoid | Hubiera sido fácil evitar esta situación. | It would have been easy to avoid that situation. |
avoid | Tengo derecho a evitar su funeral. | I have the right to avoid his funeral. |
avoid | Probablemente estaba intentando evitar decirte la verdad. | She was probably just trying to avoid telling you the truth. |
avoid | Puede evitar el castigo señalando al verdadero culpable. | You can avoid this punishment by pointing out the real culprit. |
avoid | Haría bien en evitar más provocaciones a este tribunal. | You would do well to avoid further provocation of this court. |
avoid | En todo caso, intentará evitar visitas prácticamente simultáneas. | In any event, he will seek to avoid broadly contemporaneous visits. |
avoid | Se procuraría evitar duplicar la labor de otros organismos. | Further efforts would be made to avoid duplicating the work of other agencies. |
avoid | Sólo quieres evitar las cosas difíciles. | You just want to avoid the hard stuff. |
avoid | Y posiblemente evitar cometer errores inútiles. | And possibly avoid making any more unhelpful mistakes. |
avoid | Quiero que tú sepas cuánto intenté evitar esta situación. | I want you to know how hard I tried to avoid this situation. |
avoid | Exactamente la bravata desesperada que he estado intentando evitar. | Exactly the kind of desperate swash-buckle I've been trying to avoid. |
avoid | Es algo que todos intentamos evitar. | It's something we all try to avoid. |
prevent | Por eso tenemos que evitar que esto pase. | That's why we're here today, to prevent this incident from ever happening. |
prevent | Debemos evitar que las bombas lleguen a Gyeongseong. | We must prevent the bomb from arriving to the Gyeongseong. |
prevent | Quería evitar que Agnes siguiera su ejemplo. | She wanted to prevent Agnes from following in her footsteps. |
keep | Como dijo, deberíamos evitar atraer atención. | As you say, we should all keep our heads down. |
keep | Intento evitar que cometan un grave error. | Trying to keep you all from making a terrible mistake. |
avoid | Es evidente que el presidente quiere evitar un conflicto con el país del norte. Las gafas oscuras evitan que el sol deslumbre al piloto. | It's clear that the president wants to avoid a conflict with the northern country. |
avoid | La actriz es muy discreta y siempre evita los rumores y la polémica. Por favor, evita manchar el papel cuando escribas. | The actress is very discreet and always avoids rumors and controversy. |
keep clear of | Los empleados evitan al jefe porque tiene muy mal humor. | The workers are keeping clear of the boss because he's in a foul mood. |