river | Dígame que alguien ya cruzó este río. | What? Please tell me someone has already crossed this river. |
river | Vamos al río... a donde pertenecemos. | Let's go down to the river... where we belong. |
river | Estamos rodando un anuncio en el río. | We're shooting a commercial down by the river. |
river | Cariño, estoy junto al río. | (Music playing) Sweetie, I'm down by the river. |
river | 15 hombres cruzando un río para capturar prisioneros alemanes. | Fifteen men crossing a river to capture prisoners from a German post. |
river | Hemos conseguido cuatro botes para cruzar el río. | We've secured four rubber boats to get you across the river. |
river | Había otra criatura que los llevó río abajo. | And there was another creature that took them away down the river. |
river | Puede que vaya hacia el río. | There's a possibility the animal might've headed for the river. |
river | Y después el río llamado Bora. | That would come out with fire after river even got the different name. |
river | Seguramente esperarán a que crucemos el río. | Probably wait at the river and catch us crossing. |
river | Pensabas tirar ese bulto al río. | And you were going to throw into the river that bundle. |
river | Quizás solo cruzan el río hacia otro valle. | Maybe they're just following the river to another valley. |
river | Hay una carretera destrozada cerca del río. | There's an unimproved road down by the river. |
river | No se sabía que era el mismo río hasta que Spengler... | That just goes to show you they didn't even know it was the same river - until this fellow Spengler got... |
river | Anoche había gente junto al río. | There were people along the river last night. |
stream | Las larvas estaban en el río. | Those cysts, they're in that stream. |
river | El río se iba volviendo caudaloso a medida que avanzaba su recorrido a través del valle. | The river became wider as it flowed down the valley. |
stream | Un río de personas bajaba por la calle principal en dirección a la plaza del pueblo. | A stream of people walked down the main street towards the town square. |
Amazon | El Amazonas es el río más largo del mundo. | The Amazon is the world's longest river. |
fork in the river | La bifurcación de un río es el punto donde se divide en dos brazos. | A fork in the river is the point where it divides into two. |
crayfish, crawfish, crawdad | El estudio de los cangrejos de río se llama astacología. | The study of crayfish is called astacology. |
where there's smoke, there's fire | Hace mucho se rumoreaba que el ministro iba a renunciar y por fin lo hizo ayer: cuando el río suena, agua lleva. | It had long been rumored that the minster was going to step down and he finally did so yesterday: where there's smoke, there's fire. |
the Po | El Po es un largo río del norte de Italia. | The Po is a long river in northern Italy. |
the Rhine | Hicimos un recorrido por el Rin en ferry. | We travelled the Rhine on a ferry. |
upstream, upriver | La fuente de contaminación del agua se encuentra río arriba. | The source of the water contamination is located upstream. |
large river, mighty river | El Amazonas es un río caudaloso. | The Amazon is a large (or: mighty) river. |
Rio de Janeiro | En mis próximas vacaciones, quiero ir a Río de Janeiro. | On my next holiday, I want to go to Rio de Janeiro. |
the Seine, the Seine River | El río Sena pasa por París. | The Seine River runs through Paris. |
the Tagus River | En el río Tajo se practica el piragüismo. | Canoeing is practised on the Tagus River. |