back | Encontré cuatro gordos en la espalda. | I found four big fat ones on my back. |
back | Él me apuñaló completamente en la espalda. | He's really stabbed me in the back completely. |
back | Prueba que puedes permitirme masajearte tu espalda sin atacarme. | Prove that you can allow me to scrub your back without attacking me. |
back | Le clavé un punzón en la espalda. | He squealed on me, and I stuck an ice pick in his back. |
back | Gracias por despegarte de mi espalda. | Thank you for getting you off my back. |
back | Creo que Gracie vomitó tu espalda. | I think Gracie threw up on your back. |
back | Pero estaría dándole la espalda a mi gente apoyándolo. | But I'd be turning my back on my people to support it. |
back | Estaremos allí para vigilar tu espalda. | We'll be there to watch your back. |
back | Tengo cientos de acreedores en mi espalda. | I've got hundreds of creditors on my back. |
back | Pero la espalda es muy conservadora. | But the back, it's so conservative. |
back | Siempre dices que te duele la espalda. | I can just always tell when your back is hurting you. |
back | Hay antiinflamatorios que podría haber tomado para la espalda. | There are anti-inflammatory medications you could've taken for your back. |
back | Tiene arañazos y moretones en brazos y espalda. | She's got some scraping and bruising on her arms and back. |
back | Intenta darle la espalda al pasado. | She's trying to turn her back on the past. |
back | Vale, ahora tiene su espalda. | Okay, so now he's got his back. |
back | No podemos darle simplemente la espalda. | We can't just turn our back on her. |
back | Podrás sacarme el casquillo de la espalda. | You can pull a bunch of buckshot out of my back. |
back | Que amable por cubrirme la espalda... | It was nice of you to have my back... |
behind | Toda nuestra niñez siempre estuve protegiendo tu espalda. | Our whole lives as kids, I was always standing behind you. |
shoulder | Tenía un ángel guardián cuidándome la espalda. | I had a guardian angel lookin' over my shoulder. |
back | Me duele la espalda. | My back hurts. |
back | Ajusta la silla a la espalda del caballo. | Adjust the saddle on the horse's back. |
stab [sb] in the back | Su mejor amigo le apuñaló por la espalda cuando se fugó con su esposa. | His best friend stabbed him in the back when he ran away with his wife. |
attack from behind | El atracador me atacó por la espalda; no me pude defender. | The robber attacked me from behind; I could not defend myself. |
turn your back on [sb] | La familia dio la espalda al hijo después de que se fuera de casa. | The family turned their back on their son after he left the house. |
behind my back | Me quitó el ascenso por la espalda. | They took the promotion from me behind my back. |
be good-looking, be a stunner | Cuando María entró al bar estaba vacío y diez minutos después se llenó de gente, ¡tiene buena espalda! | When Maria walked into the bar it as empty and ten minutes later it was rammed; she's a stunner! |