faith | Viola un acuerdo firmado de buena fe. | It's in violation of an agreement that the Federation signed in good faith. |
faith | No tengo fe en esta operación. | I don't have faith in the operation. |
faith | Houdini debió haber tenido más fe. | Houdini should have had a little more faith. |
faith | Está pervirtiendo tu fe con mentiras. | She's perverting your faith through lies now. |
faith | Cuando Filípides corrió una maratón tenía fe. | When Pheidippides ran a marathon, he had faith. |
faith | Y tú disolviste la buena fe al desobedecerme. | And you've dissolved that good faith by disobeying me. |
faith | No tengo fe en la Estreptomicina. | You don't have faith in the Streptomycin. |
faith | Y no necesito alguna profesión de fe. | And I do not need some profession of faith. |
faith | Siempre estaré agradecido por su fe. | I'll always be grateful for your faith. |
faith | Mi fe fue destrozada como nunca podré describir plenamente. | My faith had been shattered in a way I can never fully describe. |
faith | Quiero agradecerte tu fe en mi... | I want to thank you for your faith in me... |
faith | Estás poniendo mucha fe en mí. | You're putting a lot of faith in me here. |
faith | Digamos que esta fe palia mis anhelos. | Let's say that this faith palliates my yearing. |
faith | Representa la fe en vosotros mismos. | This robe is a show of faith in yourself. |
faith | No tienen fe en mis habilidades. | They don't have faith in my abilities. |
faith | Esta declaración es traída de buena fe. | Here. The deposition is brought in good faith. |
faith | Y no quiero arriesgarte aceptando esta fe. | And I will not endanger you by accepting this faith. |
faith | Iban con mucha fe y cantando canciones religiosas. | They were going with complete faith and singing religious discourses. |
faith | Deseábamos que vivieras con dignidad y fe. | We wished you to live with dignity and faith. |
belief | Desearía compartir tu fe en ella. | I wish I shared your belief in her. |
faith, religion | La fe católica tiene muchos creyentes. | The Catholic faith (or: religion) has many believers. |
confidence, faith | Tengo fe en que saldré de este bache. | I have confidence (or: faith) that I will get out of this hole. |
act of faith | Contratar a dos novatos para esta tarea tan delicada fue un verdadero acto del fe por parte del jefe. | Taking on two novices for such a delicate task was a true act of faith by the boss. |
auto-da-fé | La Inquisición española organizaba autos de fe a menudo. | The Spanish Inquisition often organised auto-da-fé. |
good faith | Muchas personas dudan de la buena fe de ese político. | Many people doubt the good faith of that politician. |
testify to, attest to | Tengo que dar fe de lo que pasó ante el juez. | I have to testify to what happened before the judge. |
in good faith | Marta siempre actúa de buena fe y con honestidad. | Marta always acts in good faith and with honesty. |
in bad faith | Desde que te pidió el dinero actuó de mala fe. | From when he asked you for the money, he acted in bad faith. |
blind faith | Tiene una fe ciega en su marido. | She has a blind faith in her husband. |
certificate of baptism | Para poder casarse en la iglesia, hay que presentar la fe de bautismo. | If you want to be married in the chirch, you need to present your certificate of baptism. |
errata sheet | Al final del libro estaba inserta la fe de erratas. | The errata sheet was inserted at the end of the book. |
certificate that [sb] is currently alive | Todos los meses tenemos que presentar la fe de vida del abuelo para que nos entreguen su pensión. | Every month, we need to present a certificate that grandpa is still alive to get his pension. |
public trust, public faith | Como depositarios de fe pública, los notarios pueden formalizar documentos. | As holders of the public trust, notaries can formalize documents, |
bad faith | Te hizo esos comentarios con mala fe, quería herirte. | They made those comments to you in bad faith, they wanted to hurt you. |
certifying officer | El ministro de fe dio su testimonio. | The certifying officer gave his testimony. |
have faith | Tengo fe en que todo va a salir bien. | I have faith that everything will turn out alright. |