lower | Puede bajar del estrado, Inspector. | It can lower of the estrado one, Inspecting. |
lower | Vas a tener que bajar tu estándar. | Now, you're going to have to lower your standards. |
lower | Sólo tengo que bajar mis expectativas. | I'll just have to lower my sights some. |
lower | Quiero bajar gradualmente mi dosis de antidepresivos. | I want to gradually lower my dosage of antidepressants. |
lower | Supongo que solo debo bajar mis expectativas. | I guess it's just on me to lower my expectations. |
go down | Necesito bajar a la unidad médica. | I need to go down to what is laughingly called the sickbay. |
go down | Estoy ansiosa por bajar yo misma. | I can't wait to go down there myself. |
go down | Podría bajar tan rápido como subir. | L - I could go down as fast as I come up. |
go down | Tendré que bajar por la llave. | I'll have to go down for the key. |
go down | Tenemos que bajar allí y asegurarnos. | We have to go down there, make sure. |
go down | Intentaba ayudar a bajar el Campari. | I was trying to help the Campari to go down. |
go down | Entonces tenemos que bajar a buscarlas. | Then we've got to go down and get it. |
go down | Déjame bajar e intentarlo, tío. | Let me go down here and give it a shot, man. |
go down | Es bastante extraño que no quiera bajar. | It's quite strange that it doesn't want to go down. |
go down | Justo estaba por bajar al laboratorio. | I was just about to go down to the lab. |
go down | Déjame bajar, quizás veamos algo interesante. | Let me go down, maybe we'll see something interesting. |
get off | Hemos vendido billetes en exceso, debe bajar. | We've oversold the bus, sir. I'm afraid you have to get off. |
get off | No querrás bajar las montañas en la oscuridad. | You do not want to get off the mountains in the dark. |
get off | Podemos bajar y llamar desde la estación. | We could get off and call from the station. |
go down | El agua baja por aquella canaleta. No funciona el ascensor y hay que bajar por la escalera. | The lift's not working; you'll have to go down the stairs. |
drop, fall | Los precios bajan en agosto. | Prices fall in August. |
get off | Cuando abran la puerta del avión, agarra tu maleta y baja de prisa. Los pasajeros bajaron del tren. | The passengers got off the train. |
go down, go out, come down | Teresa me llamó y me dijo que bajara para darme una cosa. | Teresa called and asked me to come down so she could give me something. |
take down | Baja los libros del estante. | Take those books down off the shelf. |
lower, reduce | En algunas tiendas bajan los precios hasta un 70 %. | In some stores prices are reduced by up to 70%. |
close | Baja la persiana que da mucho el sol. | Please close the blinds; the sun is very bright. |
go down | Los niños bajaron las escaleras para saludar al tío Mario. | The kids went down the stairs to greet to Uncle Mario. |
bring [sb] back down to earth | Estaba muy emocionado por el viaje, pero lo bajé de la nube al decirle que tendríamos que posponerlo. | He was thrilled about the trip, but I brought him back down to earth by telling him that we had to call it off. |
bring [sb] back down to earth | Empezó a gritarme enfadada, pero la bajé de la nube en cuanto le dije que quería el divorcio. | She started yelling at me angrily, but I brought her back down to earth as soon as I told her I wanted a divorce. |
get relegated to the second division | El equipo bajó a segunda tras la derrota. | The team got relegated to the second division following the defeat. |
disembark | Los marines bajaron a tierra después de semanas en alta mar. | The marines disembarked after weeks at sea. |
bring [sth] down to earth | Hay que bajar el concepto a tierra para que se entienda. | The concept must be brought down to earth to be understood. |
come back down to earth | Pedro, por favor, baja a tierra ya: ese plan es imposible de realizar. | Pedro, please, come back down to earth. That idea is impossible to pull off. |
come down suddenly, drop suddenly | La manzana bajó de golpe del árbol y me pegó en la cabeza. | The apple dropped suddenly from the tree and hit me on the head. |
wake up to reality | Tendremos que bajar de las nubes si queremos lograr nuestro objetivo. | We have to wake up to reality if we are to meet our goal. |
come down to earth, come back down to earth | El nuevo novio de Carla no baja de las nubes y se cree el mejor. | Carla's new boyfriend won't come back down to earth and thinks he's the best. |
lower the quality | Desde que la pizzería cambió de dueños, bajó el nivel de sus productos. | The organisation has had to lower the quality of its services due to funding cuts. |
get the fever down | No puedo bajarle la fiebre al niño. | I can't get the boy's fever down. |
lower one's guard | Nicolás nunca baja la guardia y está siempre atento. | Nicolas never lowers his guard and is always alert. |
lower your voice | La maestra les pidió a sus alumnos que bajaran la voz. | The teacher asked her students to lower their voices. |
take the wind out of [sb]'s sails | ¡Baja un poco los humos y deja de gritarme que no eres mi jefe! | When the teacher gave his project a low grade it rather took the wind out of Tom's sails. |
bow down, bow and scrape | Doblé la cerviz y obedecí todas las órdenes de mi superior. Cuando le mostraron que estaba equivocado, el profesor tuvo que agachar la cerviz y pedir perdón. | I bowed down and obeyed all my superior's orders. |
everything that goes up must come down, what goes up must come down | Todo lo que sube baja, como los globos. | What goes up must come down, just like balloons. |
the higher you rise the harder you fall | Que no se te suba la fama, todo lo que sube baja. | Don't let fame get to you: the higher you rise the harder you fall. |