this | Un esclavo como éste tendría 10 años más. | There would be 10 more good years in a slave like this. |
this | Naciste para conducir un auto como éste. | You're a were born to drive a car like this. |
this | He visto muchos contratos como éste. | I've seen many contracts just like this. |
this | Bueno, éste es nuestro único video. | Okay, well, this is our one and only videotape. |
this | Patrick, éste es Ryan O'Reily. | No. Patrick, this is Ryan O'Reily. |
this | Pero éste es un hospital hay dinero para nosotros. | I know, but this is a state hospital... and there isn't enough money for us. |
this | Tuvo que construir éste para Riley. | We know he had to built this for Riley. |
this | Quise que éste fuera un momento inolvidable. | I wanted this to be a moment you'd never forget. |
this | Dejamos éste mundo para regresar al nuestro. | We leave this world to return to our own. |
this | No quedan muchos teatros como éste. | There aren't many theaters like this left. |
this | Actúo sabiendo que algún día éste trabajo terminará. | I act knowing that some day this works it will finish. |
this | Es realmente exitante ver éste manuscrito. | It's really exciting to see this manuscript. |
this | Me parece que éste caso debería interesarle. | Seems to me like this case right here ought to interest you. |
this | Déjame hablar primero con éste filósofo. | First let me talk a word with this philosopher. |
this one | Pero éste bate muy rápidamente y también separa. | But this one bat very quickly and also it separates. |
this one | Estoy contenta con éste, gracias. | I'm quite happy with this one, thank you. |
this one | Espero que encuentre más sentimiento en éste. | I hope you find more feeling in this one. |
this one | Hay algo sobre éste que me asusta. | There's something about this one that scares me. |
this one | Creo que elegiré celebrar éste reflexionando tranquilamente. | I think I'll celebrate this one with quiet reflection. |
at this rate, at this pace, at this speed | A este paso, no vamos a terminar el proyecto a tiempo; ¡hay que acelerar! | At this rate we'll never finish the project on time. We need to get a move on! |
on this matter, on this subject | La policía declaró no tener información a este respecto. | The police stated that they did not have information on this matter. |
in light of this new situation, in light of these new circumstances | Ante este nuevo escenario, se deberán revaluar las leyes. | In light of this new situation (or: in light of these new circumstances) the laws should be reconsidered. |
that was the end of that | El príncipe y la princesa vivieron felices para siempre. Colorín colorado, este cuento se ha acabado. | The prince and princess lived happily ever after and that was the end of that. |
to this aim, with this aim, with this in mind | Quería un auto más nuevo y, con este fin, saqué un crédito. | I wanted a newer car and, to this aim, took out a loan. |
in this way, this way | Cuando estuve en el ejército, me enseñaron a hacer la cama de este modo. | When I was in the army, they taught me to make the bed in this way. |
in this respect | En este aspecto, las opiniones de Lucía y Carmen son opuestas. | In this respect, Lucia and Carmen have differing opinions. |
in this case | En este caso, vamos a tener que conformarnos con lo que se acordó en la reunión. | In this case, we will have to settle for what was agreed upon in the meeting. |
on this matter, on this point | Llegar tarde al trabajo puede hacer que te despidan; el reglamento de la empresa es muy claro en este sentido. | Arriving late to work can get you fired and the company's rules are very clear on this matter. |
wherever [sb] is | Encontraremos ese tesoro esté donde esté. | We'll find the treasure, wherever it is. |
yours truly | —¿Quién se encargó de la comida? —Mis dos hijas y este humilde servidor. | Who was in charge of the food? My two daughters and yours truly. |
well, er, so | Esto... Tenemos que hablar de algo importante. | So... We have to talk about something important. |
out of this world | Hice una torta fuera de este mundo. | I made a cake that was out of this world. |
at this point, at this stage | Llegado a este punto, sólo tenemos una opción posible. | At this point we only have one possible option. |