bank | Las cosas que salieron del pequeño banco. | The things that came out of the little bank. |
bank | Recibí ésta carta del banco ayer. | I... got this letter from the bank yesterday. |
bank | El presidente del banco me llamó. | The president of the bank called me in. |
bank | Howard quería llamarme tan pronto salí del banco. | Howard must have called him as soon as I left the bank. |
bank | Estábamos al teléfono cuando entraron en el banco. | He and I were on the phone when they took over the bank. |
bank | Tenemos que planear lo del banco. | We'd need a gun to rob the bank. |
bank | Solo deja que roben el banco. | You just wait and let them hit that bank. Raylan: No. |
bank | Permitiéndote que obtengas dinero del banco. | Providing you got money in the bank behind it. |
bank | Pero descubrí algo muy interesante cuando fui al banco. | But I did find out something very interesting when I went to the bank. |
bank | Parece cualquier casa propiedad del banco. | Sounds like most of the house is still owned by the bank. |
bank | Tienen quemaduras como nuestros amigos del banco. | They're scarred up like our friends at the bank. |
bank | Lo recogeré de camino al banco. | I'll pick him up on my way over to the bank. |
bank | Fui al banco unos días después y tampoco lo habían visto. | Why, no, I dropped into the bank a few days later, and they hadn't seen you, either. |
bank | Nuestro problema es asaltar el banco o irnos. | Our problem is to take the bank, or split right now. |
bank | Me gustaría saber si sabes cómo atracar un banco. | For one thing, I'd like to know if there's a good way of beating a bank. |
bench | Tendrá que esperar fuera en el banco. | We're going to have you wait outside on the bench. |
bench | El banco sólo era para blancos. | It was a "White's Only" bench. |
bench | Lleva calentando ese banco dos horas. | You've been warming this bench for the past two hours. |
bench | Parece que llevemos meses sentados en este banco. | I feel like we've been sitting on this bench for months. |
bench | Me senté en un banco del parque. | I sat down on a park bench. |
bank | Tengo todo mi dinero en un banco extranjero. | I keep all my money in a foreign bank. |
bench, table | Está cortando madera en su banco de trabajo. | He's cutting up wood on his work bench (or: table). |
central bank | Debido a la crisis mundial, los bancos centrales de varios países han adoptado medidas extremas. | Due to the worldwide crisis, central banks in several countries have taken extreme measures. |
long bench, continuous bench | Compré un banco corrido en una feria de muebles usados. | I bought a long bench at a second-hand furniture fair. |
abs bench, sit-up bench, abdominal bench | El gimnasio tiene tres bancos de abdominales. | The gym has three abs benches. |
carpenter's workbench, carpenter's bench | Juan tiene un taller con un banco de carpintería y muchas herramientas. | Juan has a workshop with a carpenter's bench and many tools. |
countertop | Guardé las latas en el banco de cocina sobre el horno. | When I went in the kitchen I put the shopping on the countertop. |
kitchen stool | La cocina tiene un desayunador alto y dos bancos de cocina. | The kitchen has a tall breakfast table and two kitchen stools. |
food bank | La ONG trabaja con tres bancos de comida para distribuir alimentos a quienes lo necesitan. | The NGO works with three food banks to hand out food to the needy. |
credit bank | El banco de crédito aprobó el préstamo. | The credit bank approved the loan. |
database, databank | Todo se registra en el banco de datos de la empresa. | Everything is registered in the company's database. |
cooler, ice chest | La maquinaria cuenta con un banco de hielo propio. | The machinery has a built-in cooler. |
ice shelf | El buque tuvo que esquivar los bancos de hielo. | The boat had to dodge the ice shelves. |
breast milk bank, milk bank | Gracias al banco de leche, el huerfanito pudo alimentarse bien. | Thanks to the breast milk bank, the orphan could be well nourished. |
medicine bank | El banco de medicamentos distribuye a las farmacias de todo el país. | The medicine bank distributes to pharmacies all over the country. |
bank of specimens, specimen bank | Susana trabaja en un banco de muestras dentro de un hospital. | Susana works in a specimen bank at a hospital. |
commercial bank, mercantile bank | Deberías consultar en un banco de negocios para estar seguro. | You should consult a commercial bank to be sure. |
blood bank | Mi madre dona al banco de sangre todos los años. | My mother donates to the blood bank every year. |
bench | El entrenador mandó a Juan al banco de suplentes. | The coach sent John to the bench. |
issuing bank | El cheque debe estar firmado por el banco emisor. | The cheque must be signed by the issuing bank. |
state bank | Laura trabaja en un banco estatal. | Laura works in a state bank. |
hydraulic bench | No puedo controlar el banco hidráulico de esta máquina. | I can't control this machine's hydraulic bench. |
IBRD | El BIRD, más conocido como Banco Mundial, fue creado en 1944 junto al Fondo Monetario Internacional. | The IBRD, better known as the World Bank, was created in 1944 alongside the International Monetary Fund. |