environment | Prohibición de eliminación de desechos radiactivos al ambiente. | Prohibition against the release of radioactive waste into the environment. |
environment | No parece el mejor ambiente para un delincuente violento. | Doesn't sound like the best environment for a violent offender. |
environment | Creemos un ambiente seguro y solidario. | Let's create a safe and supportive environment. |
environment | Porque necesitamos un ambiente limpio sin distracción de polen. | 'Cause we want a clean environment with no pollen distractions. |
environment | Es gratificante ver cuánta gente se interesa en el ambiente. | It's very gratifying to see so many people who are sincere about their environment. |
environment | Preparará un ambiente neutral lejos de la sociedad. | She will set up a neutral environment away from society. |
environment | Un ambiente controlado puede sólo decirnos algo. | A controlled environment can only tell us so much. |
environment | Parece inadecuado hablar de un paciente en este ambiente. | It feels inappropriate to talk about a patient in this environment. |
environment | Evitaré a los conocidos del ambiente criminal. | I'll avoid my acquaintances from the criminal environment. |
environment | La única parte del ambiente que no verificaron. | It's the only part of the environment you didn't check. |
environment | Las sanciones contradicen diversos documentos internacionales en materia de medio ambiente. | The sanctions are contrary to numerous international documents in the field of environment. |
environment | Escribió 3 opiniones protegiendo al medio ambiente. | He wrote 3 majority opinions protective of the environment. |
environment | Dudo que encuentres ese ambiente mas hospitalario. | I doubt you'll find that environment any more hospitable. |
environment | Hemos deteriorado gravemente el ambiente de nuestras elecciones. | We have severely undermined the environment in which our elections take place. |
environment | Además debemos afrontar la grave degradación del medio ambiente. | We also have to confront the serious degradation of the environment. |
environment | Asumimos un desafío monumental en un ambiente muy duro. | Ma'am, we took on a monumental challenge in a difficult work environment. |
atmosphere | Queríamos retratar el ambiente de Osaka. | We wanted to portray... the atmosphere of Osaka. |
atmosphere | Quiere estar contigo en otro ambiente. | She-She wants to be with you in a different atmosphere. |
atmosphere | Quisiéramos encomiar el ambiente positivo que reinó durante esos debates. | We would like to commend the constructive atmosphere that prevailed throughout those discussions. |
room | Aquí se respira un ambiente asqueroso. | The air in this room is ripe with filth. |
air | El ambiente de esta habitación está sobrecargado; abre la ventana. | The air in here stinks of stale tobacco. |
circles | Tu hijo se mueve en un ambiente poco recomendable. | He moves exclusively in high academic circles. |
protect the environment | Si ahorras el agua cuidas el medio ambiente. | If you save water you are protecting the environment |
ambient light, ambient lighting | Quiero una lámpara que de luz de ambiente. | I want an ambient light (or: lighting) lamp. |
environment | Tenemos que proteger el medio ambiente. | We must protect the environment. |
respect the environment | ¡Dejemos de talar árboles!, respetemos el medio ambiente. | Let's stop felling trees! Let's respect the environment. |
room temperature | La temperatura ambiente es muy agradable hoy. El vino tinto debe tomarse a temperatura ambiente. | Red wine must be served at room temperature. |
room temperature | El vino tinto debe tomarse a temperatura ambiente. | Red wine should be drunk at room temperature. |