quite | Las demás divisiones actúan bastante independientemente. | The functioning of the other Divisions is quite independent one from another. |
quite | He escrito bastante objetivamente durante los últimos 18 meses. | I've been writing quite extensively in a balanced way for the past 18 months. |
quite | Hay bastante disparidad entre lo que declaró y... | There seems to be quite a disparity between what you claimed and... |
quite | Tengo entendido que eran bastante radicales. | ~ Yes, I hear they were quite radical. |
pretty | Francamente está bastante desecha en este momento. | Frankly, she's pretty messed up right now. |
pretty | Tienes una situación bastante buena, Rusty. | You got a pretty nice setup here, Rusty. |
pretty | No estoy loco sólo bastante impresionado, considerando todo. | I'm not crazy, which is pretty darn impressive, all things considered. |
pretty | El doctor Karev es bastante guay. | I mean, Dr. Karev is pretty cool. |
pretty | Mi esposa debe estar bastante preocupada. | My wife must be pretty worried by now. |
pretty | Parece un lugar bastante obvio para empezar. | That seems like a pretty obvious place to start. |
pretty | Te puedes identificar con ella bastante pronto. | We were able to identify with her pretty early on. |
pretty | Tuvimos una charla bastante larga entre señoritas. | We had a pretty long talk in the ladies'. |
pretty | Cuando empecé esta reforma estaba bastante entusiasmado. | When I started this little makeover I was pretty excited. |
pretty | Ayer dijiste cosas bastante hirientes sobre este apestoso trabajo. | Yesterday you said some pretty hurtful things about this suckhole of a job. |
pretty | Estabas bastante borracho anoche, Tim. | You were pretty out of it last night, Tim. |
pretty | Las elecciones dejaron unas cicatrices bastante profundas para ambos. | The election left some pretty deep scars for both of us. |
enough | Todos estaremos bastante cerca para repintarlo. | We shall all be close enough to repaint it. |
enough | Habéis llorado bastante toda vuestra vida. | You have cried enough, all your life. |
enough | Porque llegar aquí no fue bastante difícil. | 'Cause getting here just wasn't hard enough. |
enough | Tenemos bastante comida para aguantar meses. | We've enough food here now to hold out for months. |
enough | Hay bastante comida para todos. | There's enough food for everyone. |
enough, too much | Cállate; ya has hecho bastante daño con tus palabras. | Shut up - you've already done enough damage with what you've said. |
quite well | La película estuvo bastante bien. | The interview went quite well. I think I may have got the job! |
much better | Esta vez la obra salió bastante mejor que la vez anterior. | This time round the play turned out much better than last time. |
much better | Su informe es bastante mejor que el tuyo. | Her report is much better than yours. |
he has put up with enough, he has enough to deal with | Bastante tiene el pobre como para lidiar con una nueva crisis. | He has enough to put up with before dealing with a new crisis. |