
Bathroom Baño I Bath El En Al Toilet

Index 1340
Question baño
Question sentences
Preferiría que no usaras este baño...
Fue complicadísimo entrar en ese baño.
Answer bathroom; bath; toilet
Answer sentences and translations
bathroomPreferiría que no usaras este baño...I prefer that you don't use this bathroom...
bathroomFue complicadísimo entrar en ese baño.It took forever to get into that bathroom.
bathroomCuando fui al baño esta mañana.When I went to the bathroom this morning.
bathroomApenas encontraba el camino al baño.I could barely find my way to bathroom.
bathroomProfesor, necesito usar el baño.Sir, I need to use the bathroom.
bathroomCierra bien el grifo del baño...Turn the faucet off well in the bathroom.
bathroomCreo que necesito encontrar un baño.I think I need to find a bathroom.
bathroomFuiste al baño y nunca volviste.You went to the bathroom, and you never came back.
bathroomLa seguimos en el baño del restaurante.We'll finish in the bathroom at the restaurant.
bathroomCon todos esos aceites para masaje en el baño.Come on, who do you think you're kidding? all those massage oils in the bathroom.
bathroomPensé que era tu baño privado.I thought this was, like, your private bathroom.
bathroomFui al baño después de comer porque empecé a aflojarme.Well, after I ate, I went right to the bathroom because things started loosening up, you know.
bathroomHas ido al baño nueve veces.You've been to the bathroom nine times.
bathroomCreí habérmelos quitado en el baño.I thought I took them off in the bathroom.
bathroomHabría disparado a mis hermanas para sacarlas del baño.Would have shot my sisters just to get them out of the bathroom.
bathOlvidé darme mi baño esta mañana.I forgot to take my bath this morning.
bathLamento interrumpir su baño matutino, caballeros.I'm sorry to interrupt your morning bath, gentlemen.
bathPuedo tomar un baño cuando quiera.I can have a bath anytime that I like.
bathTiene tres dormitorios y un baño.It's got three bedrooms, one bath.
toiletTío, ni siquiera tenemos baño.Dude, we don't even have a toilet.

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