bathroom | Preferiría que no usaras este baño... | I prefer that you don't use this bathroom... |
bathroom | Fue complicadísimo entrar en ese baño. | It took forever to get into that bathroom. |
bathroom | Cuando fui al baño esta mañana. | When I went to the bathroom this morning. |
bathroom | Apenas encontraba el camino al baño. | I could barely find my way to bathroom. |
bathroom | Profesor, necesito usar el baño. | Sir, I need to use the bathroom. |
bathroom | Cierra bien el grifo del baño... | Turn the faucet off well in the bathroom. |
bathroom | Creo que necesito encontrar un baño. | I think I need to find a bathroom. |
bathroom | Fuiste al baño y nunca volviste. | You went to the bathroom, and you never came back. |
bathroom | La seguimos en el baño del restaurante. | We'll finish in the bathroom at the restaurant. |
bathroom | Con todos esos aceites para masaje en el baño. | Come on, who do you think you're kidding? all those massage oils in the bathroom. |
bathroom | Pensé que era tu baño privado. | I thought this was, like, your private bathroom. |
bathroom | Fui al baño después de comer porque empecé a aflojarme. | Well, after I ate, I went right to the bathroom because things started loosening up, you know. |
bathroom | Has ido al baño nueve veces. | You've been to the bathroom nine times. |
bathroom | Creí habérmelos quitado en el baño. | I thought I took them off in the bathroom. |
bathroom | Habría disparado a mis hermanas para sacarlas del baño. | Would have shot my sisters just to get them out of the bathroom. |
bath | Olvidé darme mi baño esta mañana. | I forgot to take my bath this morning. |
bath | Lamento interrumpir su baño matutino, caballeros. | I'm sorry to interrupt your morning bath, gentlemen. |
bath | Puedo tomar un baño cuando quiera. | I can have a bath anytime that I like. |
bath | Tiene tres dormitorios y un baño. | It's got three bedrooms, one bath. |
toilet | Tío, ni siquiera tenemos baño. | Dude, we don't even have a toilet. |