blood | Probablemente podría sacarle sangre ahora mismo. | You know, I could probably take his blood right now. |
blood | Estos medicamentos contienen anticuerpos humanos, presentes también en la sangre. | These medicines contain human antibodies, which are also present in your blood. |
blood | Necesito sangre del antiguo clan Imichi... | I need blood from the ancient Imichi Clan... |
blood | No mancharemos nuestro suelo con su sangre. | We will not stain our land with their blood. |
blood | Ahora compartimos nuestra sangre para toda la eternidad. | Now our blood flows through each other as it has for all eternity. |
blood | Hay más sangre si todavía están vivos. | There's more blood if they're still alive. |
blood | Si buscáis sangre, sois bienvenidos. | If it is blood you seek, you are welcome to join us. |
blood | Busqué manchas de sangre latentes y limpiadas utilizando luminol. | I searched for latent and cleaned up blood stains using luminol. |
blood | No podría ver por la sangre. | I wouldn't be able to see through the blood. |
blood | Significa... Da positivo para sangre humana. | It means... it's positive for human blood. |
blood | Come, o volverás a toser sangre... | Eat, or you'll spit blood again like you did in the Alzey prison. |
blood | Ya he visto correr demasiada sangre. | I've seen enough blood spilt to last two lifetimes. |
blood | Según los forenses estaba cubierto de sangre. | According to forensics, he was covered with blood. |
blood | Analizamos el patrón de sangre que quisiste limpiar. | We analysed the blood pattern you tried to wash out. |
blood | La reparamos y transfundimos ocho unidades de sangre. | Now, we've repaired it And transfused eight units of blood. |
blood | Quiero una muestra de su sangre. | I want a specimen of your blood, if you don't mind. |
blood | Puede limpiarle la sangre porque es solamente suya. | You can clean the blood off because it's entirely your own. |
blood | Enfriare la sangre de una nación. | I will chill the blood of a nation. |
blood | Creo que deberíamos administrarle más sangre. | I think he'd benefit from some more blood. |
bloodstream | Sólo el alcoholismo sobreviviría en nuestra sangre. | Honey, the only disease that could survive our bloodstream is alcoholism. |
blood | Los alcohólicos no son aceptados como donantes de sangre. | Alcoholics are not allowed to donate blood. |
in cold blood | Fue un crimen a sangre fría. | It was a crime in cold blood. |
blood test | Debes estar en ayunas para hacerte análisis de sangre. | You have to fast before you do a blood test. |
blood bank | Mi madre dona al banco de sangre todos los años. | My mother donates to the blood bank every year. |
baptism of blood | En la corrida de esa tarde sufrió su bautismo de sangre con una cornada que casi le costó la vida. | In this evening's bullfight he suffered a baptism of blood with a goring that almost cost him his life. |
make [sb]'s blood boil | La injusticia le calienta la sangre a Fernando. | Injustice makes Fernando's blood boil. |
donate blood | Donar sangre es importante para ayudar a otros. | Donating blood is important to help others. |
send a chill down [sb]'s spine | La película te hace helar la sangre. | The film sends a chill down your spine. |
make [sb]'s blood boil | Me hierve la sangre cuando la gente llega tarde. | It makes my blood boil when people don't arrive on time. |
to spare the rod is to spoil the child | Dicen que la letra con sangre entra porque el aprendizaje conlleva mucho empeño. | They say that "to spare the rod is to spoil the child" as learning requires a lot of effort. |
blood ties | Federico y Esteban tienen lazos de sangre. | Federico and Esteban have blood ties. |
have something in your blood | Toda la familia es futbolista: llevan el deporte en la sangre. | The whole family are footballers: they have the sport in their blood. |
be in your blood | Llevo en la sangre el amor por el boxeo, vengo de familia de boxeadores. | Racing was in Ayrton Senna's blood |
bad temper, rage | María se hace mala sangre por todo, debería relajarse más. | Maria has a bad temper with everything, she should relax more. |
draw blood | Fui a que me sacaran sangre para un análisis de rutina. | The nurse had to draw blood from the patient in order to perform the tests that had been ordered. |
cold blood | El asesinato fue planeado y ejecutado a sangre fría. | The assassination was planned and carried out in cold blood. |
blood type | Mi tipo de sangre es O negativo. | My blood type is O negative. |
blood transfusion | El paciente necesita una transfusión de sangre urgente. | The patient needs an urgent blood transfusion. |