peace | El proceso de paz está paralizado. | The peace process is now at a standstill. |
peace | Sólo así habrá paz y desarrollo para todos. | Only in such a way can there be peace and development for all. |
peace | Promover una cultura de paz aplicando numerosas estrategias. | To promote a culture of peace that must be constructed and developed via multiple strategies. |
peace | Posesión se arma y perturbar la paz. | Possession of a concealed weapon and disturbing the peace. |
peace | Las Naciones Unidas apoyan firmemente la paz. | The United Nations is a strong supporter of peace. |
peace | Una paz negociada entre todos nos daría una gran estabilidad. | A negotiated peace among all of us would provide a greater stability in this Quadrant. |
peace | Malcolm quería paz y tranquilidad porque está estresado. | Malcolm says they need peace and quiet because they're stressed out. |
peace | Dame paz interior o friego el suelo contigo. | Look, just give me inner peace or I'll mop the floor with you. |
peace | Sólo una paz justa tiene futuro. | It is only a just peace that has a future. |
peace | Esto contribuiría a fomentar los actuales esfuerzos de paz. | This would contribute to the promotion of the ongoing peace efforts. |
peace | Creo que necesitas encontrar paz interior... | I think you need to find some inner peace. |
peace | Llevaríamos paz y estabilidad a todas las realidades. | We can spread our peace and stability to all realities. |
peace | Necesitamos paz para establecer nuestros grupos encubiertos. | We need peace so that we can to create these secret groups. |
peace | Tampoco puede fortalecerse sin una paz duradera. | Similarly, it cannot be strengthened without durable peace. |
peace | Nunca jamás veré tal paz y satisfacción. | Never again would I know such peace and contentment. |
peace | Esa tendencia fortalecería las condiciones para la paz. | Such a trend would itself strengthen the basis for peace. |
peace | Demasiado ruido, necesito paz y tranquilidad. | Too much noise. I need peace and quiet. |
peace | Y así le llevarás la paz. | Then perhaps, wherever she is, you may bring her peace. |
peacekeeping | Aparecimos como un cuerpo internacional de paz. | Well, we showed up as an international peacekeeping force. |
peace | Al finalizar la guerra tuvieron un largo periodo de paz. | When the war was over, they had a long period of peace. |
peace | Cuando los niños están durmiendo puedo disfrutar de un momento de paz. | When the kids are sleeping I can enjoy a moment of peace. |