break | Nunca haría eso, podría romper sus puros. | It would never do that, it could break its pure ones. |
break | No querrás caerte y romper algo. | Don't want to fall and break something. |
break | Nuestro cryptanalysts duda podemos romper en seis meses. | Our cryptanalysts doubt we can break it under six months. |
break | Pero no podemos romper el ritmo del show. | I'm sure is awesome, but we can't break the continuity of the show. |
break | Es hora de romper la tradición. | I think it's time to break the vicious cycle. |
break | Me desafiaste a romper tu bloqueo creativo. | You challenged me to break you from your creative block. |
break | No puedo romper mi espíritu así. | I can't break my spirit like that. |
break | Esta pequeña cosa puede romper ventanas. | This little thing can break windows, here. |
break | Y tú intentas romper esta alianza. | And you're trying to break this alliance. |
break | Tenemos que romper muchas montañas en nuestro camino. | We have to break so many mountains from our path. |
break | Vamos a romper un espejo enorme. | There's one big mirror we're about to break. |
break | Entonces hay que romper la resistencia. | Then you've got to break him in two. |
break | Y que quiere romper esta alianza. | And she wants me to break this alliance. |
break | Rachel no quería romper el compromiso. | Rachel didn't want to break the engagement. |
break up | Probablemente romper un pedazo de terrón debajo. | I think probably to break up a piece of clod underneath it. |
break up | John y yo finalmente decidimos romper. | John and I eventually decided to break up. |
break up | Pensaba que Kyle y yo probablemente deberíamos romper. | I thought that Kyle and I should probably break up. |
break up | Nadie está diciendo que tengan que romper. | Nobody is saying that they have to break up. |
break | Juan le rompió la pierna al portero de una patada. | John broke the goalie's leg with a kick. |
wear out | Este niño rompe los zapatos en seguida. | This boy wears out his shoes in no time. |
break | Las olas rompen al llegar a la orilla. | Waves break when they reach the shore. |
burst into tears | María rompió a llorar cuando recibió la noticia. | Maria burst into tears when she received the news. |
break water | La embarazada primeriza se puso nerviosa cuando rompió aguas. | The woman pregnant for the first time was nervous when her water broke. |
break up with | Lucía rompió con Esteban la semana pasada. | Lucia broke up with Esteban last week. |
break with the past | Debes romper con el pasado para estar mejor. | You must break with the past to feel better. |
break from the routine, break away from the routine | María decidió romper con la rutina e ir a un bar con amigas. | Maria decided to break from the routine and go to a bar with her friends. |
beat the daylights out of [sb] | Te voy a romper el alma, so imbécil. | I'm going to beat the daylights out of you, you idiot. |
break your heart | Me rompe el alma ver a tantos niños pidiendo limosna. | It breaks my heart to see so many children begging. |
break the ice | Martín hizo chistes para romper el hielo. | Martin made jokes to break the ice. |
break the mould | Esta película rompió el molde con sus impresionantes efectos especiales. | This film broke the mould with its amazing special effects. |
break your diet, go off your diet | Mario rompió la dieta el fin de semana. | Mario broke (or: went off) his diet at the weekend. |
get the hang of it | Al principio parece difícil, pero ya le romperás la mano. | It seems difficult at first, but you'll get the hang of it. |
be plain sailing | Si la buena suerte rompe lanzas el proyecto podrá avanzar. | If we are lucky, the project will be plain sailing from now on. |