remain | La globalización no nos permite permanecer aislados. | Globalization does not allow us to remain in isolation. |
remain | No es posible permanecer vivo aquí. | It's not possible to remain alive here. |
remain | Pero voy permanecer Con el Grupo Milenio. | But I have to remain with the Millennium Group. |
remain | Algunas cosas deben permanecer en el núcleo familiar. | There are some things that have to remain within the family nucleus - and I think that... |
remain | Entiendo que prefieras permanecer sin forma. | I understand that you prefer to remain shapeless. |
remain | Pocas personas van tan lejos para permanecer anónimas. | Not many people would go to this much trouble to remain anonymous. |
remain | Ninguno de nosotros puede permanecer indiferente ante tal destrucción. | None of us can remain indifferent in the face of such destruction. |
stay | Las puertas deben permanecer cerradas para protegerte. | The doors need to stay shut to protect you. |
stay | Está intentando permanecer despierto, no quiere soñar. | He's trying to stay awake, he doesn't want to dream. |
stay | Debo permanecer aquí sobre el muelle. | I have to stay here on the sea wall. |
stay | Yo... yo prefiero permanecer tapado. | Me - I prefer to stay bunged up. |
stay | Y tú tienes que prometerme permanecer callada. | And you have got to promise me to stay straight. |
stay | Sólo debemos asegurarnos de permanecer despiertos. | We just have to make sure we stay awake. |
stay | Depende de nosotros usarla o permanecer callados. | It's up to us whether we use it or stay silent. |
stay | Esperaste hasta que no pudo permanecer despierto más. | He waited up for you until he couldn't stay awake any more. |
stay | Podría permanecer abierto unos pocos minutos o desaparecer instantáneamente. | It could stay open for several more minutes or vanish instantaneously. |
remain, stay | El teatro permanecerá cerrado una semana más por reparaciones. | The theater will stay closed one more week for repairs. |
remain, stay | Voy a permanecer en Francia hasta fin de año. | I am going to remain in France until the end of the year. |