comment on | Sírvanse comentar este extremo del informe del Relator Especial. | Please comment on this specific concern of the Special Rapporteur's report. |
comment on | Lo siento, no puedo comentar procedimientos internos. | I'm sorry, I cannot comment on internal procedures. |
comment on | Permítaseme comentar ahora una serie de cuestiones específicas. | Let me now comment on a number of specific issues. |
comment on | Ciertamente no voy a comentar eso. | I'm certainly not going to comment on that. |
comment on | Sería inapropiado comentar cualquier caso pendiente. | It'd be inappropriate to comment on any case. |
comment on | No comentar mi juego con Dakota. | Don't comment on my game with Dakota. |
comment on | El Pentágono rehúsa comentar la naturaleza de su misión. | Pentagon officials refuse to comment on the nature of their mission. |
comment on | Le importaría comentar todos los rumores... | Would you care to comment on all the rumors... |
comment on | Deseo comentar varias ideas que creo merecen una consideración particular. | I want to comment on several ideas that I think are particularly worthy of consideration. |
comment on | No para criticar o comentar mis órdenes. | Not to criticise nor to comment on my command. |
comment on | Espera que la Comisión Consultiva tenga previsto comentar dicho documento. | He hoped that the Advisory Committee planned to comment on that document. |
comment on | Querría comentar lo que dijo Nyborg. | I'd like to comment on what Nyborg just said. |
comment on | Permítanme comentar la discusión sobre desregulaciones, liberalizaciones. | Let me comment on the discussion on deregulation and liberalisation. |
comment on | Intentaré resumir y comentar sus comentarios y preguntas. | I will attempt to summarise and comment on your viewpoints and questions. |
comment on | Estos son los temas fundamentales que quería comentar. | These are the essential issues I wanted to comment on. |
comment on | El Consejo no suele comentar casos concretos. | It is not the practice of the Council to comment on individual cases. |
comment on | Permítanme comentar brevemente el fracasado acuerdo pesquero con Marruecos. | Let me also briefly comment on the breakdown of the fisheries agreement with Morocco. |
comment on | Voy a comentar los numerosos fallos. | It is the many defects I would like to comment on now. |
discuss | Queríamos comentar tus experiencias en cautiverio. | We wanted to discuss your experiences as a kidnapping victim. |
discuss | No puedo comentar su situación personal. | Well, I can't discuss her personal situation. |
tell | Me comentaron el último chisme de la oficina. | They told me the latest office gossip. |
commentate on | Juan comentará el siguiente partido de fútbol. | John will be commentating on the next football match. |