charge | No puedo conseguir eliminar el cargo. | I can't get him to toss the charge. |
charge | Estarías a cargo de cinco estaciones. | You'd be in charge of five houses. |
charge | Me pusieron a cargo de averiguarlo. | They put me in charge of finding out. |
charge | Ustedes no quieren coulson a cargo. | You guys don't want coulson in charge. |
charge | Estarás a cargo de la ejecución. | You'll be in charge of the execution. |
charge | Sólo había que mostrarles quién estaba a cargo. | I mean, all I needed to do was just show them who's in charge. |
charge | Estarías a cargo de la crisis económica. | You would be in charge of the economic crisis. |
charge | El está a cargo de nuestro destino colectivo. | This is the man who's in charge Of our collective fate, Our creative destiny. |
charge | Estuvo a cargo de catalogar los monumentos astronómicos de Egipto. | He had been in charge of cataloging the astronomical monuments of Egypt. |
charge | Es un cargo muy serio, Sr. Perkins. | Making a false report to the police, that's a very serious charge, Mr. Perkins. |
charge | Considerando la gravedad, he decidido hacerme cargo. | Considering its gravity, I've decided to take charge. |
charge | Nadie pudo endilgarnos un cargo de corrupción. | No-one could make a corruption charge stick to us. |
charge | Estoy a cargo de esta comisaría. | I'm in charge of this police station. |
charge | Páseme con el oficial al cargo. | Give me back to the officer in charge. |
office | Salvo alguien que ocupó el cargo. | Except someone who's been in the office... |
office | Walker tomaba medicación estando en el cargo. | Garrett Walker was medicated while he was in office. |
office | Debemos concentrarnos en mantenerlo en el cargo señor. | Keeping you in office is what we should be focusing on, sir. |
office | Respeto demasiado este cargo para permitir que esto continúe. | I respect the office too much to allow this to continue going on. |
position | Confiadme un cargo donde pueda seros útil. | Entrust me with a position where I can be useful for you. |
position | Pero no puedo aceptar ningún cargo. | I don't intend to take an honorable position for murdering people. |
post | Juan ocupa el cargo de gerente. | Juan occupies the post of manager. |
charge | Los niños de Ana están a mi cargo. | Ana's children are in my charge. |
charge | Le encontraron culpable del cargo de extorsión. | He was found guilty of the charge of extortion. |
charge | Le imputaron tres cargos de robo agravado al atracador. | Three charges of aggravated robbery were brought against the perpetrator. |
boss | Juan está reunido con un alto cargo. | Juan is in a meeting with one of the big bosses. |
charge | Los cargos extras no los asume la agencia. Le hemos efectuado un cargo a su tarjeta por la cantidad de 20 €. | The agency does not cover extra charges. |
in the care of, under the care of | El juez determinó que los niños deben estar a cargo de su madre. | The judge determined that the children should be in (or: under) the care of their mother. |
in charge of | La funcionaria a cargo de esta investigación ha sido amenazada en varias oportunidades. | The civil servant in charge of the investigation has been threatened on numerous occasions. |
in [sb]'s care | Ahora que los niños están a su cargo, Juan no tiene mucho tiempo libre. | Now that the children are in his care, Juan does not have a lot of free time. |
surrender of position letter | Renunció a su cargo y dejó un acta de entrega con sus asuntos y recursos. | She resigned from her job and left a surrender of position letter describing her business matters and equipment. |
high position, senior position | Pedro tiene un alto cargo en el Ministerio del Interior. | Pedro holds a senior position in the Ministry of Interior. |
senior official | Los altos cargos suelen recibir salarios muy elevados. | Senior officials often receive very high salaries. |
take a position, assume a post | Lautaro asumió un cargo como docente en la universidad. | Lautaro assumed the post of lecturer at the university. |
guilty feeling, attack of conscience | No tengo cargo de conciencia, hice lo que tenía que hacer. | I do not have a guilty feeling; I did what I had to do. |
managerial position | Edith se postuló para un cargo directivo en la empresa. | Edith applied for a managerial position at the company. |
public service position, civil service position | Debes concursar para acceder a un cargo público en el gobierno. | You should compete for a public service position in the government. |
be borne by, be chargeable to | Todos los gastos corren a cargo de la empresa. | All of the expenses are borne by the company. |
cost [sb] their job | Llegar tarde durante un mes le costó el cargo a Pedro. | Turning up late for a month cost Pedro his job. |
exercising your duties | Hay muchas cosas que no se deben hacer en ejercicio del cargo. | There are many things that shouldn't be done when exercising your duties. |
official in charge | La funcionaria a cargo de esta investigación ha sido amenazada en varias oportunidades. | The official in charge of this investigation has been threatened on many occasions. |
take charge | Después de la renuncia del director, su asistente se hizo cargo. | Following the director's resignation, his assistant took charge. |
take care of [sth], take charge of [sth] | Nosotras nos hicimos cargo de la comida y ellos pusieron la mesa. El jefe de almacén se hace cargo de levantar el inventario. | We took care (or: charge) of the food while they laid the table. |
take care of [sb], look after [sb] | Ana se hace cargo de sus hermanos.
El guía se hace cargo de los turistas. | Ana looks after her brothers. The guide takes care of the tourists. |
transport at your (own) cost | Para este producto, el comprador tiene portes a su cargo. | For this product, the buyer is responsible for transport at their own cost. |
bill of lading | Para hacer el pago, primero hay que rellenar el talón de cargo. | To make the payment, you must first fill in the bill of lading. |
be in charge of | Martín tiene a cargo doce empleados. | Martín is in charge of twelve employees. |
prosecuting witness | El testigo de cargo declaró contra la acusada. | The prosecuting witness declared against the accused. |
take office | El presidente electo tomará posesión de su cargo. | The president elect will take office. |