face | Los últimos años fue un rostro familiar. | For the last several years, you've been a familiar face. |
face | Morris con su rostro sonriendo ahora. | Morris with his face wreathed in smiles now. |
face | Me gusta tu rostro, para aclararlo. | I like your face though, to be clear. I am enjoying it. |
face | Un rostro... que nunca olvidaré. | A face... that I'll never forget. |
face | Saltarán sobre tu rostro y taladrarán dentro. | They will leap onto your face and bore straight into it. |
face | Permítanme presentarles, al sensacional nuevo rostro de Panache... | Allow me to introduce to you, the sensational new face of Panache... |
face | No recuerdo haber visto antes su rostro. | I don't remember ever to have seen his face before. |
face | Lo veo en tu rostro resplandeciente. | It's written all over your bright and shining face. |
face | No puede evitar enseñarnos su rostro. | He can't resist showing us his face. |
face | Y tampoco quiero ver tu patético rostro. | And I don't want to look at your pathetic face either. |
face | Yo pude verlo allí arribasu rostro. | I could see him up there... his face. |
face | Quizás debería conseguirme un rostro más joven. | Maybe I should get them to grow me a younger face. |
face | No escupirán a un rostro sonriente. | They won't spit at a smiling face. |
face | Sinceramente, nunca vi ese rostro. | Frankly, I've never seen this face. |
face | Solo quería ver tu hermoso rostro. | I just wanted to see your handsome face. |
face | Nunca olvido un rostro lo suficientemente bello. | I never forget a face if its beautiful enough. |
face | Veo en tu rostro ambición y engaño. | I can read it in your face the ambition and the wickedness. |
face | Será el rostro de nuestra empresa. | She'll be the face of our company. |
face | Solo necesitaba ver tu rostro ahora. | I just needed to see your face now. |
face | Encontré el rostro de Rebecca Lord. | I found this face that says Rebecca Lord. |
face | Es muy famoso, su rostro ha aparecido en las portadas de todas las revistas. | He is very famous and his face has appeared on the covers of all the magazines. |
nerve | Menudo rostro tiene tu hermano. Aparece por aquí sin avisar y se autoinvita a cenar. | That's some nerve your brother has, showing up here without notice and inviting himself to dinner. |