chest | Ayúdenme para darle un disparo al pecho. | Guys, see if you can get me an open shot at its chest. |
chest | Cortaríamos su pecho y veríamos dentro. | Cut into its chest and have a look around. |
chest | Recibió puñaladas severas en el pecho. | She has just had severe stab wounds to the chest. |
chest | Hagamos una radiografía anteroposterior de pecho. | Let's get a stat AP chest x-ray. |
chest | Implicaría abrir su pecho, sí. | It would involve opening your chest, yes. |
chest | Debemos abrir el pecho y reparar lesiones. | We'll open his chest, repair the damage. |
chest | Debo abrirle el pecho y no sé si pueda. | I've got to get into this chest, and I don't know if I can do it. |
chest | Brendan quería sentarse allí e hinchar el pecho. | Brendan wanted to sit there and puff out his chest. |
chest | Tengo el pecho lleno de lesiones. | I have a chest full of... lesions. |
chest | Tengo una bailarina balinesa tatuada en el pecho. | I got a Balinese dancing girl tattooed on my chest. |
chest | Mi colega quiere aliviar su pecho. | My colleague's got something he wants to get off his chest. |
chest | Siente un cuchillo en el pecho. | He said he feels like somebody stuck a knife in his chest. |
chest | Múltiples heridas de bala en el pecho. | Hardly, we have a patient coming in with multiple gunshot wounds to the chest. |
chest | Siento el peso de interminables posibilidades sentadas sobre mi pecho. | It's like I feel the weight of endless possibilities just sitting on my chest. |
chest | Usted arrancó el corazón del pecho. | You ripped the heart out of his chest. |
chest | Estaba sangrando del pecho y tenía problemas para respirar. | He was bleeding from his chest, and he was having trouble breathing. |
chest | Tendría que tatuado en el pecho. | I'd have that tattooed on my chest. |
chest | Avanzando y retrocediendo en mi pecho. | Pacing back and forth in the cage of my chest. |
breast | Que le gustaría besarme el pecho. | He said he'd like to kiss my breast. |
breast | Cuando perdemos un pecho todas tenemos muchos miedos. | When we lose a breast, We all have a lot of fears. |
chest | El doctor le pidió que se quitara la camisa para auscultarle el pecho. | The doctor asked him to take his shirt off in order to listen to his chest. |
chest | Mi hermano tiene el pecho musculado por las horas de gimnasio. | My brother's got a muscular chest from hours spent at the gym. |
chest | Este jarabe es excelente para los problemas del pecho. | This syrup is excellent for chest pains. |
breast | María tenía el pecho firme y redondo. | She had a swollen and round breast. |
breasts | El médico palpó el pecho izquierdo de la paciente. El gran escote que lucía Carla dejaba ver sus pechos. | The plunging neckline that Carla wore revealed her breasts. |