custom | Puede que sea una costumbre estupenda. | That this could be a really good custom. |
custom | Hay una costumbre establecida para tratar estos asuntos. | There's an established custom in dealing with those matters. |
custom | Debo partir de acuerdo con nuestra costumbre. | I must take my leave according to our custom. |
custom | Era costumbre hornear galletas y pintarlas para decorar ventanas. | It was the custom to bake biscuits and paint them as window decorations. |
custom | Una costumbre bárbara de tiempos remotos. | A barbaric custom handed down from ancient times. |
custom | Una antigua costumbre terrícola mía, Asmodeus. | A favourite old Earth custom of mine, Asmodeus. |
custom | Ignoraba que esa caballerosa costumbre existiera en su semi-salvaje país. | I wasn't aware this chivalrous custom existed in your semi-barbaric land. |
custom | Se volvió costumbre colocar flores allí. | It became a custom to put flowers there. |
habit | Es una costumbre que cogí cuando era legisladora. | It's a habit I picked up when I was a Legislator. |
habit | Tengo la costumbre de ser preciso. | I'm in the habit of being precise. |
habit | Tiene la costumbre de estafar traficantes. | He's got a habit of ripping off drug dealers. |
habit | No tengo costumbre de secuestrar sirvientes. | And I'm not in the habit of abducting servants. |
habit | Él tenía la costumbre de besarme las rodillas. | He had a habit to me. I always got a kiss on the knee area. |
habit | Tenia la divertida costumbre de llamarnos por insólitos nombres. | Grandpa had the playful habit Of showering us with unusual nicknames. |
habit | No tengo costumbre de celebrar la Navidad. | I am not in the habit of keeping Christmas, Sir. |
habit | Ya es una costumbre tuya rescatarnos. | You're making a habit out of rescuing us. |
habit | No tenemos la costumbre de alquilar cuartos. | We don't really make a habit of letting rooms, you know. |
habit | Esto comienza a ser una costumbre. | This is startin' to become a habit. |
practice | Actualmente esta costumbre suele ejecutarse solo en algunos monasterios. | Today, this practice is usually performed only in some monasteries. |
practice | Mis connacionales de Polonia conocen esa costumbre romana. | My fellow-countrymen in Poland are acquainted with this Roman practice. |
habit | Tenemos costumbre de cenar a las nueve. | It's our habit to have dinner at nine. |
custom, tradition | La costumbre de quemar un judas en la calle ha ido desapareciendo en México. | Some of our oldest customs are gradually dying out. |
good habit | Tener limpia tu casa es una buena costumbre. | Keeping your house clean is a good habit. |
as has become customary | Como viene siendo costumbre, el aniversario de la organización se celebrará en la plaza. | As has become customary, the organization's anniversary will be held in the square. |
it's tradition, it's custom | En esta casa, colaborar con la limpieza es la costumbre. | It's custom to help out with the cleaning in this house. |
bad habit | Hurgarse la nariz es una mala costumbre. | Nose-picking is a bad habit. |