height | Pero estás perdiendo altura y masa corporal. | But you've experienced a loss in height and body mass. |
height | Descubrimos como fijar la altura con reflectores. | We've found a way of fixing our height with spotlamps. |
height | El ángulo no necesariamente indica su altura. | The angle doesn't necessary tell us their height. |
height | Tengo pies pequeños para mi altura. | I have small feet relative to my height. |
height | También dice que tengo buena altura y coordinación... | He also says I have really good height and coordination... |
height | Ignoremos que estos recortes tienen cierta altura. | These cutouts have some height, but let's ignore that. |
height | Deduzco la altura por sus pantalones. | I'm only guessing at the height from the trousers. |
height | Ambos superaban en altura al monte Fuji. | They are both ahead of Mount Fuji in terms of height. |
height | Están a considerable altura por encima del terreno. | They are all at a considerable height above the ground. |
height | No puede cambiar mucho la altura. | He can't change his height that much. |
height | No tengo la altura mínima requerida. | I won't meet the minimum height requirement. |
height | Desde esta altura, parece insignificante. | From this height, it seems almost pitiful. |
height | La altura de las olas era asombrosa. | And it is absolutely staggering, the height of the waves. |
height | Ni siquiera tenemos la misma altura. | We're not even of the same height. |
height | Entonces volverá a su altura original. | Then he'll be back to his original height. |
height | Decidiremos desde qué altura lanzar las bombas. | We decide from what height to drop the bombs. |
high | Construírlo a esta altura requerirá de permisos especial del ayuntamiento. | Going this high will, of course, require some special permits from the city. |
high | No sabíamos a qué altura estábamos. | We had no idea of how high we were. |
altitude | El piloto volará a menos altura. | The pilot's going to fly at a lower altitude. |
altitude | Un piloto experimentado preparado para la altura. | (sighs) An experienced flyer prepared for the altitude. |
height | Juan mide 1'90 de altura. | John's 6'2" in height. |
height | Desde aquella altura se divisaba toda la ciudad. | You could see the whole city from that height. |
meet | Carlos cree estar a la altura de las expectativas de su futuro jefe. Tu candidato perdió en las encuestas porque no está a la altura de su rival. | He wasn't offered a promotion as he didn't meet the director's expectations. |
up to the task, equal to the task | Después de la crisis, la jefa despidió a todos los empleados que no estuvieron a la altura de las circunstancias. | Following the crisis, the boss fired everyone who wasn't up to the task. |
high-mindedness | Omar carece de altura de miras y por eso no tiene muchos amigos. | Omar lacks high-mindedness and that's why he has few friends. |
lofty perspective. ambitious vision | Es un músico con altura de miras: quiere tocar en la Filarmónica de Viena. | She is a musician with an ambitious vision: she wants to play in the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. |
on the high seas | Juan hace pesca en altura. | Juan fishes on the high seas. |
low-level | Es un hotel de poca altura pero es cómodo. | It's a low level hotel but it's comfortable. |
be up to [sth] | Con su actitud, Esteban demostró que no está a la altura y que acertamos al despedirlo. | Esteban demonstrated with his attitude that he was not up to the job and that we were right in firing him. |
altitude sickness | Los que suben a los Andes deben tener cuidado con el mal de altura. | Those who climb the Andes should be careful with altitude sickness. |
gain altitude | El avión tomó altura y se perdió de mi vista. | The plane gained altitude and I lost sight of it. |
work at height | El uso de arnés es obligatorio para realizar trabajos en altura con seguridad. | The use of a harness is obligatory to safely perform a work at height. |
high altitude wine | Los viñedos en las montañas producen los aromáticos vinos de altura. | Vineyards located in the mountains produce aromatic high altitude wine. |