true | Ello es especialmente cierto en relación con varios tratados bilaterales. | That is certainly true with respect to a number of bilateral treaties. |
true | Sentiste eso porque... es cierto. | It just feels that way because it's, you know, true. |
true | Juro que no quería, y es cierto. | I swear I didn't want to, and that's true. It's just... |
true | Puedes seguir diciéndolo pero seguirá siendo cierto. | You can keep saying it, but it won't stop being true. |
true | Necesito al menos averiguar si es cierto. | I need to at least find out if it's true. |
true | Aunque sea cierto, estamos atrapados. | Even if it's true, we're stuck. |
true | Es cierto, Excelencia, perdóneme. | It's true, Excellency. Forgive me. |
true | Me sorprendió ver que era cierto. | I'll admit, I was surprised when I found they were true. |
true | Es cierto, no es impresionante... | It is true, so far he has not impressed... |
true | Es cierto lo que dicen pasamos por etapas. | You know, it's true what they say about the stages you go through. |
true | Estoy bastante ocupado, es cierto. | I am quite occupied, it's true. |
true | Es cierto, tengo una escoba formidable. | It's true, I do have a rather formidable broom. |
true | Si eso es cierto, debe renunciar inmediatamente. | If that's true, then you need to step down immediately. |
true | Si intenta seguirme,... descubrirá que es cierto. | You try to follow me,... you'll find out just how true that is. |
certain | Sí, definitivamente tiene cierto atractivo. | Yes, there is definitely a certain attraction. |
certain | Sólo estamos autorizados a llegar a cierto punto. | You should realise we're only authorised to go to certain limits. |
certain | Renunciamos a excavar cierto túmulo funerario. | We'd given up digging in a certain barrow. |
certain | Necesito cierto conocimiento para hacer mi trabajo. | I need certain knowledge in order to do my job. |
some | Pueden retenerlo, pero con cierto esfuerzo. | They can hold on, but with some effort. |
some | Llevado con cierto gusto, diría. | Took to it with some gusto, I'd say. |
true | Todo lo que dice es cierto. | Everything she says is true. |
one | Cierto día decidieron que lo mejor era seguir cada uno su camino. | They decided one day that the best thing to do was go their separate ways. |
one day | Cierto día me crucé con tu novio en la universidad. | I crossed paths with your boyfriend one day at university. |
certain degree of | Noto cierto grado de hostilidad entre ellos. | I sensed a certain degree of hostility between them. |
somehow | De cierta manera lograron encontrarse. | Somehow they managed to find one another. |
in a sense, in a way | De cierta manera creo que tienes razón. | I think you are right, in a sense. |
somehow | Lograré encontrarte de cierto modo, aunque tarde toda la vida. | I will find you, somehow, even if it takes my whole life. |
in a sense, in a way | De cierto modo, tu madre tiene razón. | In a sense, your mother is right. |
in a way | En cierto modo, Marcos parece haber madurado desde la última vez que vino. | In a way, Marcos seems to have matured since the last time that he came. |
it is true that | Aunque es cierto que la dirección ha tenido sus aciertos, en general la empresa va por muy mal camino. | Even thought it is true that management has had some success, the company is on a bad path in general. |
be certain, be right | Estaba en lo cierto cuando dije que esta inversión no era buena. | I was right when I said that this investment wasn't worthwhile. |
to a certain extent | Estoy de acuerdo hasta cierto grado, pero no del todo. | I agree to a certain extent, but not totally. |
by the way | Por cierto, ¿cuándo vais a venir a visitarnos? | By the way, when are you going to come and visit us? |
indeed | Un buen vino, por cierto. | A good wine indeed. |