customer | Procedimiento: Muy sencillo de configurar. Seleccione el cliente cliente. | Características: Very easy to configure. Select customer. |
customer | Asegúrate de ser el primer cliente. | Make sure you'll be the first customer. |
customer | Comencemos con el cliente más difícil. | Let's start with the toughest customer here. |
client | También tiene derecho a comunicarse con su cliente. | He also has the right to communicate with his client. |
client | Quiería hablarte de una nueva cliente... | I wanted to tell you about a new client... |
client | Su cliente es sospechoso de asesinato y seguirá detenido. | Your client is suspected in murder and will remain in custody. |
client | Mi cliente apreciaría mucho que viniera. | My client would be very grateful if you'd come. |
client | La técnica que falsificó evidencia contra mi cliente. | The lab tech that falsified evidence against my client? No. |
client | Sé que soy cliente tuyo desde... | I know that I've been a client of yours since... |
client | A su cliente le cuesta mirarme. | Your client seems to have a little trouble looking at me. |
client | Tenemos un cliente nuevo y necesito rever estos procedimientos. | We have a new client... and I need to brush up on these procedures. |
client | He estado ocupado con otro cliente. | I've been very busy with another client. |
client | Mi cliente refutará este alegato cuando testifique. | Mister Chairman, my client will refute these allegations when he comes to testify. |
client | Hay un cliente esperándote en mi habitación. | There's client waiting for you in my room. |
client | Mi cliente le comunicará dónde recoger los productos. | My client will then convey where you may take possession of the goods. |
client | Si sigo mejorando, puede perderme como cliente. | If I keep on improving you may lose me as a client. |
client | Nuestro cliente no vertió productos químicos en ningún embalse. | Our client did not, nor would ever, dispose chemicals in a reservoir. |
client | Tengo una cita con un cliente. | I still have to make an appointment with you as my client. |
client | Pude haber tenido un cliente aquí. | I could've had a client in here. |
customer | La gasolinera estaba llena de clientes esperando para llenar los depósitos de sus coches. A la hora de cerrar, solo quedaban un par de clientas en la tienda. | The gas station was full of customers waiting to fill their tanks. |
customer service representative | Los asesores de servicio al cliente deben tener habilidades sociales y paciencia de santos. | Customer service representatives should have social skills and the patience of saints. |
customer assistance | Gracias a la asistencia al cliente es posible mejorar la calidad del producto o servicio ofrecido. | Thanks to customer assistance it is possible to improve the quality of the product or service offered. |
customer service | El personal de atención al cliente brinda asesoría y resuelve dudas o quejas. | Customer service staff gives advice and resolves doubts or complaints. |
exclusive client, exclusive customer | Los clientes exclusivos reciben un trato especial. | Exclusive clients receive special treatment. |
the customer is always right | Julio creía que el producto estaba en buenas condiciones, pero el cliente manda, así que le dio uno nuevo. | Juan thought that the product was in good condition, but the customer is always right, so he gave him a new one. |
customer service | Nuestro departamento de servicio al cliente brinda asesoría técnica las 24 horas. | Our customer service department offers 24 hour technical consultancy. |
customer service | Esta marca de computadoras es famosa por su excelente servicio de atención al cliente. | This computer brand is famed for its excellent customer service. |