fight | Quieren luchar y morir como mártires. | They want to fight and die as martyrs. |
fight | Pero no puedo renunciar sin luchar. | But I can't go down without a fight. |
fight | Hay demasiados para luchar, Najid. | There's too many of them to fight, Najid. |
fight | Parte de él aún desea luchar. | (low, distorted): Part of it still wishes to fight. |
fight | Si elegís luchar, estaremos con vosotros. | If you choose to fight, we will stand with you. |
fight | Son todos dispuestos a luchar porque Shield Atacado. | They're all willing to fight because S.H.I.E.L.D. Attacked. |
fight | Tienes razón, aún podemos luchar. | You're right, we still can fight. |
fight | Si quieren luchar, podemos ayudarlos. | If you want to fight, we'll help you. |
fight | Debemos luchar para obtener una apelación. | We have to fight 'em to get an appeal. |
fight | No podemos luchar como solíamos hacerlo. | We can't fight them like we used to. |
fight | Y quería luchar con los mejores. | And I wanted to fight with the best, sir. |
fight | Parece que intentó luchar con su asesino. | Looks like she might have tried to fight off her killer. |
fight | La tripulación quería quedarse y luchar. | Crew so mad they wanted to stay and fight. |
struggle | Queremos avanzar y no simplemente luchar para mantener los logros conquistados. | We want to move forward rather than merely struggle to hold the line on prior gains. |
struggle | Nos enseñaron a luchar como nuestros ancestros. | They taught us to struggle as the our ancestors. |
struggle | Quise luchar pero los nudos eran fuertes. | I tried to struggle, but the knots were so tight. |
struggle | Hay que luchar para transformarlo en conocimiento racional. | We need to struggle to transform it into rational knowledge. |
fight | Los enemigos lucharon hasta el final. | The enemies fought to the end. |
struggle | Los investigadores aún están luchando para encontrar una vacuna. | The researchers are still struggling to find a vaccine. |
fight hard | Los hombres lucharon a brazo partido durante la batalla. | The men fought hard during the battle. |
fight for each other | Son buenos hermanos; luchan el uno por el otro. | They're good siblings, they fight for each other. |
fight for a cause | Las mujeres de los 60 luchaban por la causa feminista. | The women of the 60s fought for the feminist cause. |
a dream to strive for, a dream to fight for | Necesito un sueño por el que luchar. | I need a dream to fight for. |