charge | Podemos cobrar 50 dólares por cabeza. | We could charge 50 bucks a head now. |
charge | Si quieres más caricias, tendré que cobrar. | If you want any more stroking, I'll have to charge. |
charge | Deberías cobrar honorarios, en serio. | You should charge a speaking fee, really. |
charge | Diablos, podríamos cobrar por sorbo. | Hell, we could charge by the sip. |
collect | Hay otros medios de cobrar deudas. | There are other ways to collect a debt. |
collect | Intento venir y cobrar por Terrance. | Trying to come in and collect on terrance. |
collect | Tiene una llamada por cobrar de... | Hello? - I have a collect call from... |
collect | Todos esperan entregarme y cobrar la recompensa. | Everyone's looking to turn me in and collect the reward. |
collect | Estoy aquí para cobrar el dinero. | I'm just here to collect some money. |
collect | Puedes cobrar tu apuesta, Johnny. | Great! Now you can collect your bet, Johnny. |
collect | Puedes entregársela y cobrar el dinero. | You can hand her over and collect the money. |
collect | Es una deuda que pretende cobrar. | It is a debt he intends to collect. |
collect | La recompensa de $5 millones es fácil de cobrar contigo esposado. | There's a five million dollar bounty on our heads, and it's pretty easy to collect with you cuffed to a bed. |
collect | A menudo tenían que trasladarse a la capital para cobrar sus sueldos atrasados de varios meses. | Often they had to travel to the capital to collect their salary arrears of several months at a time. |
cash | Pienso irme mucho antes de cobrar nada. | I plan on taking it off long before I cash anything. |
get paid | Los empleados cobran su salario cada dos semanas. | The employees get paid every two weeks. |
get back | El dueño de la tienda buscó a los ladrones y cobró él mismo lo que le habían robado. | The shop owner tracked down the thieves and got back the stolen goods himself. |
bag | Ayer fuimos a cazar perdices y cobramos tres piezas. | I bagged three pheasant and a duck on this morning's shoot. |
take on | El agua cobró un color marrón cuando removimos el fondo. | The water took on a brown colour when we stirred the bottom. |
gather strength, gain strength | A medida que avanza hacia la costa, el tsunami cobra fuerza. | The tsunami gathered strength as it advanced towards the coast. |
gain importance | Las redes sociales cobran importancia y se transforman en el medio de difusión de ideas más utilizado por los jóvenes. | Social networks are gaining importance and transforming into the most used method to spread ideas by young people. |
gain momentum | El corredor salió tarde, pero cobró impulso en pocos minutos. | The runner took off late but gained momentum in only a few minutes. |
gain pace, gain momentum | A la nueva administración le llevó algunos meses cobrar impulso y establecer su modo de trabajo. | The new administration took several months to gain momentum and establish its work method. |
gain relevance | Las medidas de protección del medio ambiente cobran relevancia en la agenda política. | Environmental protection measures are gaining relevance on the political agenda. |
make sense | El teorema cobra sentido al aplicarlo en la vida real. | The theorem makes sense when applied to real life. |
come to life | La semilla cobró vida al contacto con el agua. | The seed came to life on contact with the water. |
come to life | Para que este proyecto cobre vida, se necesitará mucho esfuerzo de nuestra parte. | For this project to come to life, a lot of effort will be needed on our part. |
come to life | La fiesta cobró vida cuando llegaron los hijos. | The party came to life when the kids came. |