community | En consecuencia los habitantes de la comunidad sufren diversas enfermedades. | As a consequence, inhabitants of the community are suffering from various illnesses. |
community | La comunidad humanitaria sigue encarando varios desafíos en diversos ámbitos. | The humanitarian community continues to face a number of challenges in various areas. |
community | Dos indígenas de la comunidad fueron matados y uno desapareció. | Two individuals from the indigenous community were killed, and another disappeared. |
community | Aunque ésta aún no es una comunidad propiamente dicha. | Obviously, there is no community here as yet, not to speak of, but, you know. |
community | El mayor número correspondió a la comunidad romaní. | The highest number of bodies was elected by the Roma community. |
community | La comunidad decidió libremente transferir sus tierras comunales al nuevo Gobierno. | The community freely decided to transfer its communal land to the new Government. |
community | Su Asociación Policial Benévola sale a recolectar para la comunidad. | Your Police Benevolent Association's out there raising money for the community. |
community | Tenemos que involucrar a la comunidad. | I just think we have to get the community involved. |
community | Es una pequeña arrogancia de la comunidad médica podemos aceptarlo. | There's a little bit of arrogance in the medical community, I think we can all live with that. |
community | Hemos tenido encuentros con su comunidad. | We've had a few encounters with your community. |
community | Seré tu voz para la comunidad. | I'll be your voice to the community. |
community | Ha habido mucha persecución en la comunidad. | Stacy: There's been a lot of persecution of the community. |
community | Abro mi casa a la comunidad... | I'm opening my home to the community. |
community | Es importante mantener nuestra presencia en la comunidad. | It's important for us to keep a presence in the community. |
community | Habrá repercusiones en la comunidad judicial. | There will be fallout from the judicial community. |
community | Todo lo hacemos por la comunidad. | Everything we doin',we doin' more for the community. |
community | En particular la comunidad científica puede aportar una rica experiencia. | The scientific community, in particular, has rich experience to contribute. |
community | La comunidad religiosa tenía su sede en un antiguo convento de la localidad. | The religious community had their headquarters in an old convent in their town. |
autonomous community | Andalucía, Madrid y Galicia son comunidades autónomas. | Andalusia, Madrid and Galicia are autonomous communities. |
scientific community | La comunidad científica ha logrado resolver muchos problemas de la humanidad. | The scientific community has succeeded in solving many of humanity's problems. |
joint ownership | Según las leyes de nuestro país, el señor Martínez no puede vender su parte de esta comunidad de bienes. | According to our country's laws, Mr. Martinez can't sell his part of this joint ownership. |
Community of Madrid | Madrid es la capital de la Comunidad de Madrid. | Madrid is the capital of the Community of Madrid. |
residents' association | La comunidad de propietarios puede tomar decisiones que afectan a todos los vecinos. | The residents' association can make decisions that affect all of the residents. |
educational community | La comunidad educativa expresó su preocupación cuando se supo el nombre del nuevo director. | The educational community expressed its worry when the name of the new director became known. |
live in a community | Con mis amigos vivimos en comunidad en una casa grande. | We live in community with my friends in a big house. |