miss | Pueden faltar unos días de clase. | You can miss a few days of school. |
miss | Nadie especialista quiere faltar esta herramienta funcional. | No one specialist wants to miss this functional tool. |
miss | Pero ropa no le va a faltar, amo. | But clothes they're not going to miss, master. |
miss | Iría, pero no puedo faltar. | I mean, I would, but I can't miss it. |
miss | Y no puedo permitirme faltar al trabajo. | And I can't afford to miss work. |
miss | ¡Claro! No podía faltar... | Of course, he wouldn't miss it... |
be missing | Podrían faltar varias cajas con material. | Well whole boxes of material could be missing. |
be missing | Siempre parecía faltar algo con Kevin. | Something always seemed to be missing with Kevin. |
be missing | Pero algunas de las piezas parecen faltar. | But some of the pieces appear to be missing. |
be missing | No deben faltar algunos comentarios generales sobre este informe. | A few general remarks should not be missing from this report. |
be missing | No deben faltar en una mesa saludable. | They should not be missing from a healthy table. |
be missing | También podría faltar información del programa ESET SysInspector. | Information from the ESET SysInspector program may also be missing. |
be missing | No podrían faltar en la lista. | They could not be missing from the list. |
be missing | Es solo que... siempre parece faltar algo. | It's just... something always seems to be missing. |
skip | No puedes faltar al funeral de Kelly. | You can't skip Kelly's funeral. |
skip | Julie, puedo faltar al trabajo y quedarme aquí contigo. | Julie, I can skip work and stay here with you. |
skip | No puedo faltar un día porque sienta mucho dolor. | I cannot skip a day because Pm in too much pain. |
skip | Billy, no puedes faltar todos los días. | Billy, you can't skip every day. |
skip | Porque no puedo faltar al colegio. | 'Cause I could skip school. |
lack | Si no faltara dinero en mi casa, podríamos permitirnos algunos lujos. | If money were not lacking in my house, we could afford some luxuries. |
be missing | Falta un expediente en el archivero. ¿Quién se lo llevó? | A report is missing from the file cabinet. Who took it? |
be [time period] away | Falta una semana para que empiece la primavera. | The start of spring is one week away. |