
Con La El De En I Y Se

Index 14
Question con
Question sentences
Quizás sean menos hostiles con cardassianos que con humanos.
Deseamos fortalecer la cooperación con nuestros colegas africanos con este objetivo.
Answer to; with; in; on; for
Answer sentences and translations
toQuizás sean menos hostiles con cardassianos que con humanos.Perhaps they will be less hostile to Cardassians than to humans.
toDeseamos fortalecer la cooperación con nuestros colegas africanos con este objetivo.We would like to strengthen collaboration with our African colleagues to this end.
toEs imposible con Burns hablando con Dios.And you ean't get them with a sky pilot jabbering to heaven all day.
withAcabarás acostándote con con alguien por dinero.You'll have to sleep with someone for money.
withVerde con verde, con verde, con verde, con verde, con verde, con verde...Green goes with green, goes with green, goes with green, goes with green, goes with green, goes with green...
withDeseamos fortalecer la cooperación con nuestros colegas africanos con este objetivo.We would like to strengthen collaboration with our African colleagues to this end.
withRopinirol debe administrarse con precaución a pacientes con insuficiencia hepática moderada.24/ 94 Ropinirole should be administered with caution to patients with moderate hepatic impairment.
withDoxazosina debe usarse con cautela en pacientes con neuropatía autónoma diabética.8/ 25 Doxazosin should be used with care in patients with Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy.
withNo administrar Previcox simultáneamente con otros AINEs o con glucocorticoides.Previcox must not be administered in conjunction with other NSAIDs or glucocorticosteroids.
withLa combinación de telbivudina con estos medicamentos deberá utilizarse con precaución.The combination of telbivudine with these medicinal products should be used with caution.
withDeberías trabajar con alguien con habilidades.You should work with someone who can help.
withCubiertas con caramelo, con coco tostado.It's covered with caramel, rolled in toasted coconut.
withVeníamos aquí con Yumiko con frecuencia.We used to come here with Yumiko often.
withNecesito hablar con alguien con autoridad.I need to speak with someone in authority.
withEs imposible con Burns hablando con Dios.And you ean't get them with a sky pilot jabbering to heaven all day.
withJugaban con muñecas y con títeres.They'd play with dolls and put on puppet shows.
withSiempre de camisa, con esas chaquetas con hombreras.You tuck in your shirts, wear that jacket with the shoulder pads.
withVamos caminando con un asesino serial con correa.We're walking around the Mission with a serial killer on a leash.
withLidio con cosas relacionadas con mi hermanastro.I'm dealing with some things regarding my foster brother.
withAguardamos con interés trabajar con él.We look forward to working together with him.
inCubiertas con caramelo, con coco tostado.It's covered with caramel, rolled in toasted coconut.
inNecesito hablar con alguien con autoridad.I need to speak with someone in authority.
onSon compatibles con niños con autismo.They're compatible for kids on the autism spectrum, they are.
onVamos caminando con un asesino serial con correa.We're walking around the Mission with a serial killer on a leash.
forSon compatibles con niños con autismo.They're compatible for kids on the autism spectrum, they are.
withEl león se defendió con valentía de los cazadores.The world champion defended his title with a great deal of courage.
withEl pastor cortó el queso con una navaja.The shepherd cut the cheese with a knife.
withJuan llegó con su novia.John came with his girlfriend.
atCon ocho años, el pequeño ya ayuda a sus padres en el negocio.At the age of eight, the little boy is already helping his parents in the business.
collectCuando mi hermana estaba en Irlanda, llamaba siempre a casa a cobro revertido.When my sister was in Ireland, she always called home collect.
God helps those who help themselvesNo puedes esperar que todo suceda por milagro: a Dios rogando y con el mazo dando.You can't expect everything to happen by miracle: God helps those who help themselves.
comfortable with [sb], comfortable around [sb]La maestra es una persona muy dulce y los niños están a gusto con ella.The teacher is a very sweet person and the children feel comfortable with her.
comfortable withNos sorprendió que la secretaria renunciara: siempre decía que estaba a gusto con su trabajo.The secretary's resignation took us by surprise: she had always said she was comfortable with her job.
come off it¿No fuiste a mi fiesta de cumpleaños porque tu abuela se enfermó? A otro perro con ese hueso.You didn't come to my birthday party because your grandma fell ill? Come off it!
acquittal with reservationsEl abogado defensor solicitó al juez la absolución con reserva de su cliente.The defense lawyer asked the judge for an acquittal with reservations for her client.
take [sb] outLos ladrones acabaron con Juan de un disparo.The thieves took Juan out with one shot.
put an end to [sth]La carta que nos mandaste acabó con nuestras esperanzas de verte.The letter you sent us put an end to our hopes of seeing you.
put an end toLa explosión acabó con la vida de cientos de personas.The explosion put an end to the lives of hundreds of people.
finish [sb] off, take [sb] outLe ordenaron al asesino a sueldo que acabase con el soplón.They ordered the hired assassin to finish off the snitch.
find [sth]Anduve por el centro y acerté con la tienda de la que me hablaste.I walked around downtown and found the store that you told me about.
withEsta carne se sirve acompañada de patatas asadas.This meat is served with roasted potatoes.
pair [sth] with [sth]Me gusta acompañar las carnes rojas con un buen vino tinto.I like to pair red meat with a good red wine.
in keeping withEl comportamiento de este político no parece acorde con los ideales de su partido.This politician's behavior does not appear to be in keeping with the ideals of his party.
in line withTras el terremoto, el Gobierno aplicó una serie de medidas acordes con las necesidades de las víctimas.Following the earthquake, the government implemented a series of measures in line with the needs of the victims.
sleep with [sb]Yo no me he acostado con él.I haven't slept with him.
catch [sb] red-handedEl vendedor agarró al adolescente con las manos en la masa, intentando robarse un libro.The seller caught the teenager red-handed trying to steal a book.
sparkling water, carbonated water, soda waterPedimos una botella de vino y una botella de agua con gas.We asked for a bottle of wine and a bottle of sparkling water.
up to date with [sth]El banco nos invitó a ponernos al corriente en el pago de nuestra deuda. Mariana se puso al corriente con la tarea de matemáticas.The bank invited us to bring oursleves up to date with the payment of our debt.
to hell with¡Al diablo con Pedro! ¡Después de lo que hizo no quiero volver a verlo!To hell with Pedro! After what he did I never want to see him again.
take [sth]El político opositor llevaba dos años planeando un golpe de Estado para alzarse con el poder.The opposition spent two years planning a coup d'état in order to take power.
threaten toEl ladrón nos amenazó con dispararnos si no hacíamos lo que nos ordenaba.The thief threatened to shoot us if we didn't do as we were told.
threaten to do [sth]El asistente amenazó con renunciar si no le aumentaban el sueldo.The assistant threatened to quit if he wasn't given a pay rise.
threaten to do [sth]La inmensa nevada amenazaba con dejar aislada la ciudad.The heavy snowfall threatened to cut the town off completely.
friend with benefitsNo somos novios; somos amigos con derecho.We aren't a couple: we are friends with benefits.
beÁndate con cuidado si tienes que caminar de noche por esta parte de la ciudad.Be careful if you have to walk in this part of the city at night.
date, seeAndar con dos mujeres al mismo tiempo es una mala idea.Dating two women at the same time is a bad idea.
walk with difficultyElena tiene 80 años y anda con dificultad.Elena is 80 and walks with difficulty.
take your timeAnda con pies de plomo en la nueva empresa que es mejor ser precavido.Take your time in the new business; it is best to be cautious.
bear a grudge, hold a grudgeAnda con rencores desde que lo echaron del trabajo.He has borne a grudge ever since he was fired.
beat around the bushNo me gusta la gente que anda con rodeos.I don't like people who beat around the bush.
be sneakyEs mejor decir la verdad a andar con tapujos.It's better to tell the truth than be sneaky.
turn up alive, show up aliveEl chico perdido apareció con vida luego de una semana.The missing boy turned up alive after a week.
apartment with servicesVoy a rentar un apartamento con servicios que tiene internet y televisión por cable.I'm going to rent an apartment with services such as cable television and an internet connection.
face whatever comes your waySi quieres ganar, tienes que apechar con lo que sea.If you want to win you have to face whatever comes your way.
face up toYa estás metida en este lío; ahora tienes que apechugar con las consecuencias.Now you're in this mess you'll have to face the consequences.
support withApoyamos con lo que pudimos a la madre de los mellizos.We supported the mother of the twins with what we could.
pull out with difficulty, rip out with difficultyJuan arrancó con esfuerzo la espinilla clavada en su mano.He pulled out the splinter in his thumb with difficulty.
achieve an overwhelming victoryLa nueva película arrasó con un éxito arrollador las taquillas.The new film achieved an overwhelming victory in the box office.
make off with everythingRompieron la reja de la farmacia y arrasaron con todo lo que pudieron.They broke the pharmacy gate and made off with everything they could.
clean [sb] outLlegó un grupo de japoneses que arrasó con todo, ya no me quedan existencias.A group of Japanese people arrived and cleaned me out. I don't have any more stock.
raze to the groundLos vikingos, cuando invadían una ciudad, arrasaban con todo.The Vikings razed everything when they invaded a city.
destroy everything in its pathEl huracán arrasó con todo a su paso por la isla.The hurricane destroyed everything in its path on the island.
drag with the mouseHaz clic en el archivo, arrástralo con el ratón y suéltalo donde quieras copiarlo.Click on the file, drag it with the mouse and drop it where you want to copy it.
make peace with [sb]Estaban peleados, pero Marcos ya se arregló con Lucas.They had been fighting but Marcos soon made peace with Lucas.
rice puddingMi postre preferido es el arroz con leche.My favorite dessert is rice pudding.
take a deep breathMartín aspiró con fuerza el aire puro de montaña.Martin took a deep breath of the pure mountain air.
scare withSiempre me asusto con las películas de terror.They attempted to scare the other team with empty threats.
tie with wireAté con alambre los dos extremos de la cuerda.I tied the two ends of the rope with wire.
assist kindly, assist cordiallyEl camarero nos atendió con calidez.The waiter assisted us kindly.
hit upon, figure outEl alumno no atinaba con la solución del problema y ya no le quedaba más tiempo.The student couldn't figure out (or: hit upon) the solution to the problem, and time had run out.
choke onJulián se atragantó con una aceituna.Julian choked on an olive.
even with that, even soAun con esto en mente, decidí aceptar la oferta.Even with that in mind, I decided to accept the offer.
don't be ungratefulGanó el segundo premio y se queja, aun con tanta ganancia mal contento.Don't be ungrateful! You're lucky getting what you were given.
authorized absenceEl viernes me tomé un ausente con aviso para visitar a mi hermana en el campo.I took authorized absence on Friday to visit my sister in the countryside.
help withQuiero ayudar con la mudanza pero tengo trabajo.I want to help with the move but I have work.
honors graduatePor sus altas calificaciones se graduó como bachiller con excelencia.Because of her high grades she finished as an honors graduate.
get the short end of the stick, draw the short strawA Juan siempre le toca bailar con la más fea en la oficina y hacer el trabajo sucio.Juan always draws the short straw in the office and has to do the dirty work.
wash with, wash usingSi tienes la piel sensible, báñate con jabón neutro.If you have sensitive skin, wash with neutral soap.
clear outLos ladrones barrieron con todas las cosas de valor que había en la casa.The thieves cleared the house out of valuables.
sweep everything awayEl tornado barrió con todo, desde las casas hasta la iglesia.The tornado swept everything away, from the houses to the church.
enough of¡Basta con la televisión niños, a dormir!Enough of the TV kids. It's time for bed!
be sufficient with, be enough withPara divertirse, basta con llamar a algún amigo.It's enough with four kids in the house. We don't need any more!
benefit fromLas empresas se beneficiarán con las nuevas medidas del gobierno.Businesses will benefit from the government's new measures.
bombard with advertisingTodos los días nos bombardean con publicidad en la radio y la televisión.Every day we are bombarded with advertising on the radio and on television.
button flyLas braguetas con botones empezaron a usarse en Europa en el siglo XVIII.Button flies started being used in Europe in the XVIII century.
shine on your own meritNo necesitaba ayuda, brillaba con luz propia.She didn't need help. She shined on her own merit.

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