for | Perdóname por preocuparme por mi hermanita. | Excuse me for looking out for my little sister. |
for | Perdonadme por haberos traicionado por otro. | Forgive me for having betrayed you, for another... |
for | Estaban por reunirse por primera vez en 1100 años... | They were to be united for the first time in eleven hundred years. |
for | No parecéis impaciente por disculparos por vuestro error. | You don't seem eager to apologize for this mistake. |
for | Salir por esa puerta por última vez... | Stepping out of that door for the last time... |
for | Gracias por decirme delgado, por cierto. | Thanks for calling me skinny, by the way. |
for | Gracias por indagar por el puesto. | Thanks for calling about the property manager position. |
for | Preferiría pagar más por un suministro regular por Liverpool. | I'd rather pay more for a steady supply through Liverpool. |
for | Fue por aquella espera por vosotros. | It was all that waiting I had to do for youse. |
for | Gracias por quedarte por aquí, valientemente. | Thank you for sticking around, braving it out. |
for | Pelearemos por países elegidos al azar por la máquina. | We will be fighting for countries, chosen at random by the machine. |
to | Estaban por reunirse por primera vez en 1100 años... | They were to be united for the first time in eleven hundred years. |
to | No parecéis impaciente por disculparos por vuestro error. | You don't seem eager to apologize for this mistake. |
of | Salir por esa puerta por última vez... | Stepping out of that door for the last time... |
of | Murió por asfixia, seguramente por estrangulamiento. | Cause of death is asphyxiation, most likely by a choke hold. |
of | Estaba por saltar por la ventana... | I was about to leap out of the window and catch her... |
through | Bajamos por Texas, cruzamos por Ciudad Juárez. | Down through Texas, crossed the border at Ciudad Juérez. |
through | Preferiría pagar más por un suministro regular por Liverpool. | I'd rather pay more for a steady supply through Liverpool. |
per | Lo multiplicamos por 200.000 dólares por demanda. | So you multiply that times $200,000 per lawsuit. |
about | Gracias por indagar por el puesto. | Thanks for calling about the property manager position. |
about | Estaba por llamarlo por radio, señor. | I Was about to contact you on the radio, sir. |
about | Perdón por soltarte todo esto por escrito... | Sorry about laying all this on you in written form... |
about | Estaba por saltar por la ventana... | I was about to leap out of the window and catch her... |
at | Bajamos por Texas, cruzamos por Ciudad Juárez. | Down through Texas, crossed the border at Ciudad Juérez. |
times | Lo multiplicamos por 200.000 dólares por demanda. | So you multiply that times $200,000 per lawsuit. |
by | Pero el planea acabarnos uno por uno por uno por uno por uno por uno por uno. | But he is planning on taking us out one by one by one by one by one by one by one. |
by | Gracias por decirme delgado, por cierto. | Thanks for calling me skinny, by the way. |
by | Comenzaré por felicitarlos por su éxito lunar. | Let me begin by congratulating you on your lunar success. |
by | Murió por asfixia, seguramente por estrangulamiento. | Cause of death is asphyxiation, most likely by a choke hold. |
by | Apuesto por McDougal por tres cuerpos. | My money's on McDougal by three lengths. |
by | Pelearemos por países elegidos al azar por la máquina. | We will be fighting for countries, chosen at random by the machine. |
on | Comenzaré por felicitarlos por su éxito lunar. | Let me begin by congratulating you on your lunar success. |
on | Estaba por llamarlo por radio, señor. | I Was about to contact you on the radio, sir. |
on | Apuesto por McDougal por tres cuerpos. | My money's on McDougal by three lengths. |
on | Perdón por soltarte todo esto por escrito... | Sorry about laying all this on you in written form... |
for | Juan se hizo el tatuaje por una apuesta. | Juan got the tattoo for a bet. |
by, through | Este autobús pasa por el centro. | This bus passes through the centre. |
for | Mi sobrina vino a verme por vacaciones. | My niece came to see me for the holidays. |
by, on | Ana habló por teléfono con su marido. | Ana spoke with her husband by (or: on the) phone. |
through | La pelota entró por la ventana. | The ball entered through the window. |
for God's sake | ¡Por Dios! ¿Qué es esto? Alguien me robó mi computadora. | For God's sake! What is this? Someone stole my computer. |
for God's sake | ¡Por Dios! Otra vez los niños dejaron sus juguetes tirados en el suelo. | For God's sake! The kids left their toys on the floor again. |
why don't you shut up? | Ya me tienes harto. ¿Por qué no te callas? | I'm sick of you. Why don't you shut up? |
because of | Varias empresas han hecho recortes de personal a causa de la crisis económica. | Several companies have made staffing cuts because of the economic crisis. |
be borne by | Todos los gastos del viaje correrán a cuenta de la compañía. | All travel expenses shall be borne by the carrier. |
judging by | A juzgar por el auto que compró, la vecina gana mucho dinero. | Judging by the car she bought, the neighbor earns a lot of money. |
f***ing far | Vive a tomar por culo de aquí. | He lives fucking far from here. |
go f*** yourself | Laura le gritó a Pedro «vete a tomar por culo» y colgó el teléfono. | Laura shouted "go fuck yourself!" at Pedro and hung up the phone. |
end up doing [sth] | Como hacía mal tiempo, acabamos pasando el fin de semana en casa de mis suegros. | Because the weather was bad, we ended up spending the weekend at my in-laws' house. |
agree in writing | El plazo se acordó por escrito y consta en el contrato. | They agreed on the deal in writing. |
payment by direct debit | Los adeudos por domiciliación deben estar autorizados por escrito para que el banco pueda pagar los recibos. | The payments by direct debit should be authorized in writing so that the bank can pay the bills. |
to give thanks for [sth] | Marta entró en una iglesia y agradeció por la salud de su familia. | Marta went into the church and gave thanks for the health of her family. |
one hundred per cent | El defensa aseguró que ya se encuentra al cien por cien y que volverá a la cancha para participar en el fogueo. | The defense stated that it is now one hundred percent. |
all out, full blast | Nos hemos estado esforzando al ciento por ciento. Las máquinas están funcionando al ciento por ciento de su capacidad. | We have been struggling all out. The machines are running full blast (OR: all out). |
on the contrary, to the contrary | A Álvaro no le importó que yo saliera con Fernando. Al contrario, le alegró que me llevara bien con su amigo. | Alvaro didn't mind that I went out with Fernando. On the contrary, he was glad I got along with his friend. |
at least | A la boda asistieron al menos cien personas. | At least a hundred guests were present at the wedding. |
at least for now | Están satisfechos con la decisión, al menos por ahora. | At least for now they are happy with the decision. |
wholesale | Fui a comprar una persiana pero esta tienda sólo vende al por mayor. | I went to buy blinds but this shop only sells wholesale. |
be happy, be glad, be pleased | ¿Te dieron un aumento? ¡Me alegro por ti! | You got a raise? I'm happy for you. |
be happy about | Se alegró por la publicación de sus cuentos. | She was happy about the publication of her stories. |
be happy for [sb] | –Ayer cumplí un año sin fumar. –Me alegro por ti. | -Yesterday I completed one year without smoking. - I'm happy for you. |
pen pal | Las niñas se hicieron dos amigos por correspondencia en la escuela. | The girls became pen pals during elementary school. |
protected under the law, protected by law | El nuevo plan del gobierno está amparado por la ley. | The new government plan is protected under the law (or: protected by law). |
move around | Anda por ahí, tratando de ganarse la vida. | She is moving around, trying to make a living. |
wander around | Anda por ahí, dando vueltas todo el día y no estudia ni trabaja. | He wanders around all day and doesn't study or work. |
go for a stroll | Los domingos son perfectos para andar por andar. | Sundays are perfect for going for a stroll. |
walk around stormily | Desde que su esposo murió, Julia anda por la calle de la amargura. | Ever since her husband died, Julia has been walking around stormily. |
every other year | La alcea florece año por medio: es una planta bienal. | The hollyhock flowers every other year; it's a biennial plant. |
parking per minute | El aparcamiento por minuto es más caro que por estadía. | Parking per minute is more expensive than per stay. |
come by the house | Puedes aparecer por casa cuando quieras, me encantaría verte. | You can come by the house whenever you like; I'd love to see you. |
written warning | Los padres del niño recibieron un apercibimiento por escrito. | The child's parents received a written warning. |
apply equally | Las leyes se aplican por igual a todos. | Laws apply equally to everyone. |
bet [sth] on | Aposté cinco dólares por cada caballo. | I bet five dollars on each horse. |
put faith in | Agradecemos a todos los que apostaron por nuestra compañía; no los decepcionaremos. | We'd like to thank everyone who put faith in our company; we won't let you down. |
bet on [sb] | El jefe apostó por él y lo contrató a pesar de su inexperiencia. | The boss bet on him and hired him in spite of his inexperience. |
go for a different style | Debemos apostar por un estilo diferente si queremos expandirnos a nuevos mercados. | We should go for a different style if we want to expand into new markets. |
skill-based learning | El aprendizaje por competencias es el nuevo método pedagógico de esta universidad. | Skill-based learning is the new teaching method of this university. |
barely pass | No había estudiado mucho y aprobé por los pelos. | She hadn't studied much and barely passed. |
commitment to life | Invertir en plantas de reciclaje de materiales es una apuesta por la vida. | Investing in material recycling plants is a commitment to life. |
stab [sb] in the back | Su mejor amigo le apuñaló por la espalda cuando se fugó con su esposa. | His best friend stabbed him in the back when he ran away with his wife. |
climb the walls | Los hinchas arañan las paredes en los últimos minutos de los partido. | Fans climb the walls in the final minutes of the game. |
go ballistic, blow a fuse | El profesor arañaba las paredes cuando los niños no prestaban atención. | The teacher blew a fuse when the children weren't paying attention. |
do anything for [sb] | No te arrastres por él, no merece la pena. | Don't do anything for him, he's not worth it. |
crawl on the floor, crawl along the floor | El niño se arrastraba por el suelo jugando. | The kid was crawling along the floor playing. |
risk your life for | Los bomberos arriesgan la vida por su comunidad. | Firefighters risk their life for their community. |
protected by | El niño fue arropado por su madre. | The child was protected by his mother. |
something like that | Creo que el chico era de Noruega, o algo así por el estilo. | I think the boy was from Norway, or something like that. |
so that's why | ¡Así que por eso no me llamaste! | So that's why you didn't call me! |
so don't worry about me | La parada de bus queda cerca de casa; así que por mí no te preocupes, volveré sola. | The bus stop is close to my house; so don't worry about me, I'll go back by myself. |
appear at the door | El perro del vecino se asomó por la puerta. | The neighbour's dog appeared at the door. |
look out the window | El gato se asomó por la ventana cuando me vio llegar. | The cat looked out the window when it saw me arrive. |
attack from behind | El atracador me atacó por la espalda; no me pude defender. | The robber attacked me from behind; I could not defend myself. |
handled by | El negocio está atendido por sus dueños. | The business is handled by its owners. |
run by its owners | La pizzería está atendida por sus propios dueños. | The pizzeria is run by its owners. |
there's still a lot to do | Aún hay mucho por hacer en el terreno de los derechos humanos. | There's still a lot to do in the field of human rights. |
still to be born, yet to be born | El bebé de mi hermana está aún por nacer. | My sister's baby is still to be born. |
give written authorization, authorize in writing | Los padres autorizaron por escrito la salida de sus hijos a la excursión. | The parents gave written authorization for their children's field trip. |
endorsed by, guaranteed by | El informe está avalado por la gerencia. | The report is endorsed by (or: guaranteed by) management. |
notify on the radio, announce on the radio | Avisaron por radio los ganadores del sorteo. | The draw winners were announced on the radio. |
sick leave | La vendedora solicitó la baja por enfermedad y estará ausente por diez días. | The saleswoman requested sick leave and will be away for ten days. |
maternity leave | María está de baja por maternidad hasta el mes que viene. | Maria is on maternity leave until next month. |
receive a walk | Al bateador se le otorga base por bola si el lanzador le tira cuatro bolas malas. | If the pitcher throws four balls, the batter receives a walk. |
be madly in love with [sb] | Nicolás bebe los vientos por ella, pero no se anima a decirlo. | Nicolas is madly in love with her but not brave enough to say so. |
sponsored by | Juan está becado por el gobierno. | Juan is sponsored by the government. |
be conspicuous by its [etc.] absence | El informe que me prometiste para hoy brilla por su ausencia. | The report you promised me for today is conspicuous by its absence. |
every five minutes | Ese alumno viene cada dos por tres a preguntarme lo mismo. | That student keeps coming and asking me the same thing. |
everybody on his own | Trabajó cada uno por su cuenta y luego reunieron los resultados. | Everybody worked on his own and later they combined the results. |