conflict | Las ejecuciones extrajudiciales han exacerbado enormemente el conflicto. | Extrajudicial executions are a singularly important element in the exacerbation of the conflict. |
conflict | Siguió creciendo la amenaza de desestabilización regional debido al conflicto. | The threat of regional destabilization owing to the conflict continued to grow. |
conflict | Esa Ley era fundamental porque reconocía la existencia del conflicto armado. | The law was crucial because it acknowledged the existence of the armed conflict. |
conflict | Todo conflicto de interpretación se resuelve remitiéndose al texto en kinyarwanda. | Any conflict of interpretation was resolved through reference to the text in Kinyarwanda. |
conflict | La Comisión considera que el conflicto suscita dos cuestiones pertinentes. | The Commission considers that the conflict gives rise to two pertinent issues. |
conflict | Las dos han seguido funcionando durante el conflicto. | Both training schools have been in operation throughout the conflict. |
conflict | La veo como aceptar el conflicto. | I see it as the acceptance of conflict. |
conflict | Celebramos el fin del conflicto armado en Angola. | We welcome the end of the armed conflict in Angola. |
conflict | Lamentablemente, todo conflicto armado engendra víctimas. | Every armed conflict necessarily takes its toll of victims. |
conflict | No tienen temple para un conflicto prolongado. | They do not have the stomach for a prolonged conflict. |
conflict | La hemos ayudado creando el conflicto. | We've helped it along by creating conflict. |
conflict | Ello podría agravar y ampliar el conflicto. | This entails the danger of an intensification and expansion of the conflict. |
conflict | Las partes reafirmaron su compromiso de solucionar el conflicto por medios políticos. | The parties reaffirmed their commitment to the settlement of the conflict through political means. |
conflict | Está preparado para el conflicto final. | He's suited up and ready for the final conflict. |
conflict | Es como si desearan este conflicto. | It is as if they desired this conflict. |
conflict | También parece haber un conflicto de personalidad. | There also seems to be a personality conflict brewing. |
dispute | La solución negociada del conflicto es una prioridad fundamental. | A negotiated solution to the dispute was a very high priority. |
dispute | Sus clientes simplemente no son parte del conflicto. | Her clients are simply not a party to this dispute. |
war | Un conflicto diplomático creado por Japón. | That number was the new name for Japan after the war. |
war | Nosotros no somos parte del conflicto. | We're clearly not part of the war. |
conflict | Los dos países resolvieron el conflicto territorial que los tenían enfrentados. | Both countries resolved the territorial conflict that had them against each other. |
conflict | La Segunda Guerra Mundial fue uno de los mayores conflictos armados de la historia. | The Second World War was one of the biggest armed conflicts in history. |
armed conflict | Después de 30 años de conflicto armado, finalmente las partes acordaron una tregua para continuar con las negociaciones. | After 30 years of armed conflict, the combatants finally reached a truce in order to continue with negotiations. |
conflict of interests | El gobierno trató de relativizar el conflicto de intereses que supone ejercer un cargo de control público sobre las empresas privadas y tener acciones en esas mismas empresas. | The government attempted to play down the conflict of interest when it tried to assume a position of public control in private businesses and conduct business dealings with the same companies. |
come into conflict | Los dos países entraron en conflicto por un desacuerdo territorial. | The two countries came into conflict over a territorial spat. |
clash | Me temo que tus intereses entran en conflicto con los principios de nuestra institución. | I'm afraid your interests clash with our institution's principles. |