agency | Debería designarse un organismo concreto para realizar esta labor. | A specific agency should be designated to carry out this work. |
agency | Ya no dependíamos de ningún organismo. | We no longer cleaved to any government agency. |
agency | La Asamblea General debatiría la creación de dicho organismo. | The creation of that agency would be discussed by the General Assembly. |
agency | Es un organismo gubernamental autónomo que rinde cuentas directamente al Ministro. | It is an autonomous government agency which is directly accountable to the Minister. |
body | También causa inflamación en otras áreas del organismo. | It may also cause inflammation in other areas of the body. |
body | También se elimina del organismo más despacio. | It is also cleared from the body less quickly. |
body | Un organismo de supervisión público vigilará su cumplimiento. | A public supervisory body will monitor compliance to these rules. |
body | Depende de cómo reacciona el organismo... | It depends on on how your body will react. |
organism | Es un organismo bioplasmático. Y encontraremos la salida. | It's a bioplasmic organism, and we will find a way out. |
organism | Como diseñar cualquier organismo que quieran. | Let's say they can genetic engineer any organism they wanted. |
organism | Es sólo una parte del organismo principal. | This is only a fragment of the main organism. |
organism | No queremos contaminar a un posible organismo. | We don't want anything to contaminate a possible organism. |
organism | Te encontramos a tiempo de recuperar tu organismo. | We found you just in time, we managed to recover your organism. |
organism | El organismo recolectado no proviene de un individuo sano. | The collected organism not tested like it Would be on a healthy individual. |
organism | Esto no reacciona como otro organismo biológico. | This did not react anything like any known biological organism. |
organism | El organismo necesita oxígeno para reproducirse. | Okay. The organism needs oxygen to reproduce. |
organism | Pueden interrumpir la fisiología del organismo. | They can disrupt the physiology of the organism. |
organism | El organismo crece a una velocidad geométrica. | Sir, the organism is growing at a geometric rate. |
organism | Parece algún tipo de organismo clostridium. | It looks like some sort of clostridial organism. |
living organism | Tomaron una muestra de agua para estudiar los organismos de esa zona del lago. | They took a water sample to study the living organisms of that area of the lake. |
organism | Manolo está enfermo, algo en su organismo no funciona como debería y está en manos de médico. | Manolo is sick, something in his organism isn't functioning as it should and he is in the hands of a doctor. |
public body | Este organismo público se encarga de distribuir ayudas económicas entre las familias más necesitadas. | This public body is in charge of distributing economic aid to the neediest families. |