council | OPS continuará apoyando técnicamente al consejo cantonal y provincial de salud. | PAHO will continue its technical support to the cantonal and provincial health council. |
council | Cada miembro del consejo local recibirá un honorario regular. | Each member of the local council shall receive a regular fee. |
council | Sois una muchacha iletrada y necesitáis consejo. | But you're an illiterate girl and need council. |
council | Los gorilas del consejo subcontratan su seguridad. | Those gorillas the council farm out their security to. |
council | El consejo me dio un salvoconducto. | I was given safe passage by the council. |
council | Esto parece más un asunto del consejo escolar. | This seems more like a matter for the student council. |
council | Ahora quiere entrar al consejo municipal. | Now he wants to be on the city council. |
board | Demandó al consejo escolar de Baltimore. | She filed a lawsuit against the Baltimore public school board. |
board | Yo recomendaría al consejo ver estos documentos. | I would recommend the board to look at these documents. |
advice | Sólo estoy entregando un consejo amigable. | I'm just passing on some friendly advice. |
advice | Bueno, no siempre seguí mi propio consejo. | Well, I wasn't always good at taking my own advice. |
advice | Siempre que necesito un consejo experto... | You see, whenever I need some expert advice... |
advice | Hace poco me pediste un consejo sobre volverte profesional. | A little while ago you came to me for advice about turning pro. |
advice | Decidí seguir su consejo y animarme. | So I've decided to take your advice and go for it. |
advice | Consejera, agradecería su consejo en este asunto. | Counselor... I would welcome your advice on this matter. |
advice | Veo que siguió nuestro consejo sobre relajarse. | Well, I see you've taken our advice about relaxing. |
advice | Pero mi consejo sería alquilar uno. | But my advice would be just rent one. |
advice | Sus padres vinieron a pedirme consejo. | Her mother and father came to me for advice. |
advice | Escucho la esencia de tu consejo. | I listen to the essence of your advice. |
advice | Juan pidió consejo legal a un abogado. | John asked a lawyer for legal advice. |
board | Esta tarde se reúne el consejo escolar. | The members of the board will never approve your proposal. |