responsibility | Quisiera señalarles la responsabilidad del fiscal. | I'd like to address you on the responsibility of the prosecutor. |
responsibility | Siento una responsabilidad hacia mis compañeros. | Sir, I feel I have a responsibility to my companions. |
responsibility | Estoy tratando de enseñarte alguna responsabilidad. | I guess I'm tryin' to teach you some responsibility. |
responsibility | Aceptaste esa responsabilidad con entusiasmo y gratitud. | You accepted that responsibility with enthusiasm... and I might even say gratitude. |
responsibility | Es nuestra responsabilidad común hacerlo realidad. | It is our common responsibility to make that possible. |
responsibility | Quiero asegurar a la Asamblea General que seguiremos asumiendo nuestra responsabilidad. | I assure the General Assembly that we will continue to assume our responsibility. |
responsibility | Es nuestra responsabilidad decir la verdad. | It is our responsibility to tell the truth. |
responsibility | Sólo unos pocos siguen siendo responsabilidad exclusiva del Gobierno central. | Only a small number are now the exclusive responsibility of central government. |
responsibility | El desafío es grave y debemos afrontarlo con responsabilidad. | This is a serious challenge, and we must face it with all responsibility. |
responsibility | Otra responsabilidad internacional es crear un mundo más igualitario. | It is also an international responsibility to create a more equal world. |
responsibility | Es responsabilidad nuestra conseguir ese objetivo. | It is our responsibility to achieve that goal. |
responsibility | Todos compartimos ahora la responsabilidad de hacer realidad los objetivos comunes. | We all now share the responsibility for making the common goals come true. |
responsibility | Esta responsabilidad ha recaído en nuestra generación. | Ours is the generation upon which this responsibility has fallen. |
responsibility | Esa responsabilidad estará claramente prescrita por ley. | Such legal responsibility must be clearly prescribed by law. |
responsibility | Éstos están bajo la responsabilidad del Ministerio de Justicia. | They are put under the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice. |
responsibility | Quien la emplea incurre en responsabilidad . | Whoever resorts to violence must incur responsibility therefor . |
liability | Quien la emplea incurre en responsabilidad. | Anyone who uses such a statement incurs liability. |
accountability | Cabe considerar varias formas nuevas de establecer la responsabilidad legal. | A number of novel ways to establish legal accountability could be considered. |
accountability | No tienen control ni responsabilidad en este sitio. | They got no oversight and no accountability in this place. |
responsibility | Tu cuarto es tu responsabilidad. | Your room is your responsibility. |
responsibility | Si el médico cometió un error debe asumir su responsabilidad. | If the doctor makes a mistake he should assume responsibility for it. |