keep | Quería conservar el episodio de Seika Mayama. | He wanted to keep the episode with Seika Mayama. |
keep | Júreme lealtad si desea conservar su puesto. | Proclaim your loyalty, if you wish to keep your post. |
keep | Más probable, nadie quería conservar. | It's for sure nobody wanted to keep it. |
keep | Tomó precauciones para conservar el anonimato. | He took precautions to keep his identity anonymous. |
keep | Me gustaría mucho conservar mi empleo. | I'd very much like to keep my job. |
keep | Pareciera que quieres conservar esos recuerdos, Kiera. | You seem to want to keep these memories, Kiera. |
keep | Elegí ese nombre para conservar mis iniciales. | I chose that name to keep my initials intact. |
keep | Porque me gustaría conservar mi empleo. | Because I'd like to keep my job. |
keep | Siempre que podíamos intentábamos conservar el espíritu. | So wherever we could, we tried to keep those bits going. |
keep | Quizás si apago la luz puedo conservar las sábanas. | Maybe if I turn off the nightlight, I can keep the sheets. |
keep | Quería conservar el ambiente original del lugar. | I wanted to keep the original integrity of the place. |
keep | Nunca pensamos en conservar los billetes. | It never entered our heads to keep the notes. |
keep | Prefiriría conservar mis riñones por un tiempo. | I'd rather keep my kidneys for a while. |
keep | Podéis conservar vuestras banderas y salir en formación. | You may keep your flags and leave the field in formation. |
preserve | Debemos conservar el recuerdo del gran hombre desaparecido. | We must preserve the memory of the great man who's gone. |
preserve | Decidimos conservar un poco de misterio. | We decided to preserve a level of mystery. |
retain | También pueden conservar su nacionalidad original tras adquirir la eslovena. | They can also retain their original citizenship after acquiring the Slovenian one. |
retain | Todos querríamos conservar nuestra personalidad en una vida posterior. | We all want to retain our personalities in some idyllic afterlife. |
retain | Aún quieren conservar los derechos mineros a perpetuidad. | Yet they wish to retain the mineral rights in perpetuity. |
preserve | Es importante conservar las tradiciones de nuestro país. | It's important to preserve our country's traditions. |
keep | La naftalina se usa para conservar en buen estado los vestidos de novia. | Mothballs are used for keeping wedding dresses in good condition. |
remain calm, stay calm, keep calm | El Senador conservó la calma ante los insultos de la gente. | The senator remained calm before the insults of the people. |
protect the environment | Si ahorras el agua cuidas el medio ambiente. | If you save water you are protecting the environment |