weird | Es raro, una situación complicada. | That's weird, you know? It's kind of heavy. |
weird | Tengo un resultado realmente raro aquí. | I've got a really weird result here. |
weird | Habría parecido raro si no iba. | It would have looked weird if I didn't go. |
weird | Es raro, porque mis abuelos eran agricultores. | It's weird, 'cause my grandparents were farmers. |
weird | Vi algo raro en el espejo. | Nothing, I just saw something weird in the mirror. |
weird | Es raro verlo contigo ahora aquí. | It's so weird seeing it with you here now. |
weird | Capitán, este tipo es raro. | I'm tellin' you, Captain, this guy is weird. |
weird | Esto es algún suceso climático raro. | This is some kind of weird climatic event. |
weird | Es raro cuantos avistamientos ha habido últimamente. | It's weird how many sightings there have been lately. |
weird | Volver a Mississippi contigo es muy raro. | Being back in Mississippi with you is pretty weird. |
weird | Sería raro si te sintieras normal. | It'd be weird if you felt normal. |
weird | Sería raro si te sintieses normal. | It would be weird if you felt normal. |
weird | Perdón por actuar muy raro hoy. | I'm sorry for acting really weird today. |
weird | Es raro, estos fusibles siguen fundiéndose. | ROMANTIC MUSIC PLAYS It's weird, these fuses keep blowing. |
rare | Logró un raro permiso del gobierno de prospección allí. | He's been granted a rare license from the government to drill offshore. |
rare | Es muy raro Que alguien logre sorprenderme. | It is very rare that someone manages to surprise me. |
rare | Es raro recibir amor de clientes. | It's rare that we get love from the clients. |
rare | Estamos en presencia del raro monstruo femenino. | We are in the presence of the rare female monster. |
strange | Vi a una embarazada que caminaba raro. | So I notice this lady walking kind of strange, and she's pregnant. |
strange | Está trabajando mucho, y últimamente se ve raro. | He's been working so hard, and lately he seems so strange. |
strange, odd | Qué raro que Juan esté trabajando a estas horas. | How strange (or: odd) that Juan is still working this late. |
strange, odd, peculiar | Su marido es raro; nunca sale de casa. | Her husband is odd (or: strange): he never sets foot outside the house. |
rare | Es muy raro encontrar tréboles de cuatro hojas. | Finding a four-leaf clover is very rare. |
weirdo | No te juntes con ese de gafas, es un bicho raro. | Don't get with that guy with the glasses; he is a weirdo. |