continue | Agradecemos su colaboración y pretendemos continuar. | We thank you for your cooperation and we intend to continue. |
continue | Bajo mi Presidencia quiero continuar y acelerar ese proceso. | Under my presidency, I want to continue - and to accelerate - that process. |
continue | El juicio deberá continuar en mayo. | The trial is scheduled to continue in May. |
continue | La Comisión considera que la investigación debe continuar durante algún tiempo. | The Commission considers that the investigation must continue for some time to come. |
continue | Debemos continuar el diálogo y construir consenso. | We must continue the dialogue and build a consensus. |
continue | Esa ayuda debe continuar con normas precisas. | Such assistance must continue and conform to specific rules. |
continue | Creo que debemos continuar nuestras consultas sobre este tema. | I think that we must continue our consultations on this question. |
continue | Es esencial que puedan continuar su labor. | It is essential that they be able to continue their work. |
continue | No puedo continuar este interrogatorio contigo aquí presente Kay. | And I can't continue this line of questioning with you present, Kay. |
continue | Se irá Canadá a continuar sus estudios. | She's going to Canada to continue her studies. |
continue | Entonces decidiré si continuar o regresar. | Then I will decide, whether I continue or return. |
continue | No puedo continuar esta investigación del departamento de policía desde adentro. | I can't continue this investigation into the police department from the inside. |
continue | Nos encantaría continuar con el testimonio. | We would love to continue with the testimony. |
go on | Desearía continuar así por mil años. | I wish we could go on like this for a thousand years. |
go on | Debes continuar viviendo, por Louis. | You must go on living, for Louis' sake. |
go on | Preferiría continuar con esto, su señoría. | I'd prefer to go on with it, Your Honour. |
go on | Pero Gawain insistió en continuar mañana. | But Gawain asked again to go on the morrow. |
carry on | Hoy pasaré la noche en un hotel y mañana continuaré el viaje. | I'll be spending tonight in a hotel then tomorrow I'll carry on with my journey. |
continue | El puerto seguirá cerrado mientras el mal tiempo continúe. | The harbour will remain closed for as long as the bad weather continues. |