way | Debo procurar comportarme de modo responsable. | I have to be careful to behave in a responsible way. |
way | De ningún modo habrían podido esos chicos hacerle eso. | There's no way that those boys could have done that to her. |
way | Tiene un modo raro de demostrarlo. | He's got a funny way of showing it. |
way | Encontraré un modo discreto para hacerlo. | I'll find a discreet way to get this done. |
way | Tiene que lograrlo del modo correcto. | You got to get him the right way. |
way | Encontraré un modo... de lastimarte. | I will find a way... to hurt you. |
way | Sólo me arriesgaría de un modo. | There's only one way I'll risk it. |
way | Ahora debéis demostrarlo de un modo distinto. | Now you must demonstrate courage in a new way. |
way | De cualquier modo, querían asegurarse su supervivencia. | But either way, they wanted to make sure that they survived. |
way | Murió trabajando del único modo que sabía. | She died doing her job the only way she knew how. |
way | El único modo será que Walker desista personalmente. | The only surefire way - is for Walker to call him off personally. |
way | Quiero cuidar mi cuerpo del mejor modo posible. | I like to take care of my body in the best way I know how. |
way | Hay un modo seguro de averiguarlo. | Well, there's one surefire way to find out. |
way | Ella encontrará un modo para salvarnos. | She'll figure out a way to save us. |
way | De ningún modo aumentan esa capacidad de acción. | In no way do they increase this capacity for action. |
way | Solo quiero encontrar el modo adecuado. | I just want to find the right way. |
way | No podemos regresar de ningún modo. | There's no way we can go back now. |
mode | Pasaremos a modo planeador un rato. | We'll just slip into hover mode for a while. |
mode | Entretanto, permaneceremos en modo gris. | In the meantime, we stay in gray mode. |
mode | Mis circuitos funcionan mejor... cuando operamos en modo realista. | It's just that my circuits function better when we operate in a reality mode. |
how | ¿De qué modo piensas resolver este problema? | How are you going to solve the problem? |
way | Tiene un modo de decir las cosas que ofende a la gente. | He has a way of saying things that offends people. |
as I see it, the way I see it | A mi modo de ver, todos respondemos tarde o temprano por nuestros actos. | As I see it, we all answer for our actions sooner or later. |
as | Le prepararemos una pequeña fiesta a nuestro jefe a modo de agradecimiento. | We will organise a small party for our boss as a thank-you. |
in the [adjective] style, in the [adjective] way | El viejo herrero trabaja al modo antiguo. | The elderly blacksmith works in the old style. |
in the style of | Se viste al modo de las viejas actrices de los años 20. | She dresses in the style of the old actresses of the '20s. |
somehow | De cierta manera lograron encontrarse. | Somehow they managed to find one another. |
in a sense, in a way | De cierta manera creo que tienes razón. | I think you are right, in a sense. |
somehow | Lograré encontrarte de cierto modo, aunque tarde toda la vida. | I will find you, somehow, even if it takes my whole life. |
in a sense, in a way | De cierto modo, tu madre tiene razón. | In a sense, your mother is right. |
by any means possible | Conseguiré esa guitarra de cualquier modo. | I will get that guitar by any means possible. |
that way | Juan compartió el pastel, de esa manera todos pudieron comer. | Juan shared the cake; that way they could all have some. |
that way, like that | Martín dijo que de ese modo sería mejor. | Martin said that it would be better that way. |
in this way, this way | Cuando estuve en el ejército, me enseñaron a hacer la cama de este modo. | When I was in the army, they taught me to make the bed in this way. |
in the same way, in the same manner | El jefe trata a todos sus empleados de igual forma. | The boss treats all his employees in the same way. |
so that, in order that | Decoraré este pastel de modo que parezca una pelota de fútbol. | I will decorate this cake so that it looks like a soccer ball. |
there is no way | De ningún modo iré contigo de vacaciones. | There is no way I am going on vacation with you. |
if not | Me urge hablar contigo, de otro modo no te habría llamado tan tarde. | I really need to talk to you; if not I wouldn't have called you so late. |
in a way | Resolvió el problema de un modo sencillo. | The problem was solved in a simple way. |
in other words | Dicho de otro modo, no te quiero volver a ver. | In other words, I don't want to see you again. |
in a way | En cierto modo, Marcos parece haber madurado desde la última vez que vino. | In a way, Marcos seems to have matured since the last time that he came. |
dress casually | Teresa va de cualquier modo a trabajar. | Teresa dresses casually for work. |
operating instructions | La etiqueta del envase dice el modo de empleo del líquido limpiador. | The operating instructions for the cleaning liquid are on the label. |
way of life, lifestyle | Mario es soltero y disfruta mucho su modo de vida. | Mario is single and enjoys his way of life (or: lifestyle). |
subjunctive tense | El modo subjuntivo en español es difícil de entender para algunos extranjeros. | The subjunctive tense in Spanish is difficult for some foreigners to understand. |