control | Dicha política incluye actividades de prevención, control y tratamiento. | The policy deals with prevention, control and treatment aspects of HIV/AIDS. |
control | Zarkon se acerca y Shiro pierde el control. | Every time Zarkon gets close to it, Shiro has to fight him for control. |
control | Mantengo el control de mis acciones. | I am still in control of my actions. |
control | Estamos bajo el control del ejército. | We're under the control of the Heereswaffenamts. |
control | Ahora estáis bajo el control del Sindicato Pyke. | You are now under the control of the Pyke Syndicate. |
control | Eselúnico manera de eliminar su control. | It is the only way to remove their control. |
control | Bueno, aquí vamos, tengo control. | Mommy loves you. Okay, here we go. I've got control. |
control | Esa disposición otorga el control al marido. | This legal provision accords this control to the husband. |
control | Asusta pensar cuántas cosas escapan a nuestro control. | It's scary to think so much is out of one's control. |
control | Necesito entregarme ahora mientras aún tenga algún control. | I need to turn myself in now while I still have some control. |
control | Estuve en control todo el tiempo. | I've been in control the whole time. |
control | Tal vez usaron control mental alienígena con todos aquí. | Well, you've probably been using alien mind control on everybody here. |
control | Seré CastorTroy, estaré en control. | I'd become Castor Troy, be in control. |
control | Los incendios continúan sin control alguno. | The fires continue to burn out of control. |
control | Nuestros hombres están tomando control del edificio mientras hablamos. | Our men are taking control of the building as we speak. |
control | Siempre combatían bajo estricto control de tierra. | Always they fought under strict control from the ground. |
control | Algunos buscan distanciarse del control del Emperador. | Some move to distance themselves from the Emperor's control. |
control | Pronto tendré control total de la fuerza. | I shall soon have total control of the force. |
monitoring | Se recomienda precaución y control clínico. | Caution is warranted and clinical monitoring is recommended. |
monitoring | El control cardiovascular debe empezar inmediatamente e incluir un control electrocardiográfico continuo para detectar posibles arritmias. | Cardiovascular monitoring should commence immediately and should include continuous electrocardiographic monitoring to detect possible arrhythmias. |
control | El departamento de control de calidad separó las piezas defectuosas. | The quality control department sifted out the defective parts. |
control | La Iglesia católica condena el control de la natalidad. | The Catholic Church condemns birth control. |
control, self-control, control of oneself | Gracias a la meditación, siento que ahora tengo más control. | Thanks to mediation, I now have more self-control. |
control, controller | Se averió el control automático de la compactadora; tendrás que operarla manualmente. | The automatic control on the compacter has gone wrong - you'll have to work it manually. |
control | Intentamos comunicarnos con el control, pero la línea estaba fallando debido al mal tiempo. | We tried to contact control but the line was down due to the poor weather conditions. |
control | La policía tiene el control de la situación. | The police have control of the situation. |
checkpoint | Los terroristas pasaron el control de carretera sin llamar la atención. | The terrorists made it through the highway checkpoint without attracting attention. |
exam, test | Todavía no he estudiado para el control de química. | I still haven't studied for the chemistry test (or: exam). |