cover | Puede cubrir sus consultas a pie. | What practice he has he can cover afoot. |
cover | Sigue siendo mucho terreno para cubrir. | It's still too much ground to cover. |
cover | Provocó un incendio para cubrir sus huellas. | Set the place on fire in order to cover his tracks. |
cover | Quizás no mentía para cubrir a alguien. | Maybe she wasn't lying to cover for someone. |
cover | O intenta cubrir su interés político. | Or he's trying to cover his political hide. |
cover | Iniciaron un alboroto para cubrir al tirador. | They've started a riot to cover the sniper. |
cover | Harvey, hay demasiado terreno que cubrir. | Harvey, there's too much ground to cover. |
cover | Hoy tenemos mucho terreno que cubrir. | We have a lot of area to cover today. |
cover | El presidente ciertamente tendría motivos para cubrir eso. | C.E.O. Would certainly have motive to cover that up. |
cover | Todavía es mucho terreno que cubrir. | That is still a lot of territory to cover. |
cover | Teníamos mucho más terreno que cubrir. | We had a lot more square footage to cover. |
cover | Solo necesitamos cubrir nuestras bases, señor. | We just need to cover our bases, sir. |
cover | Nos dividiremos para cubrir más opciones. | We'll split up, cover more ground. |
cover | Rinaldi, John-John, cubrir las unidades... | [Heavy breathing] Rinaldi, John-John, cover the mobile... |
cover | Quería cubrir los últimos 14.300 metros. | I wanted to cover the last 4 7, 000 feet. |
cover | Estos recursos están destinados a cubrir gastos adicionales del niño. | These resources are provided to cover the additional costs for the child. |
cover | No puedo cubrir 500 hectáreas sólo. | I can't cover 1100 acres all by myself. |
fill | Les corre prisa cubrir la vacante. | They're in a hurry to fill the post. |
cover up | Luisa cubre con maquillaje el acné de su rostro. | Louise covers up the acne on her face with makeup. |
cover | El pobre sueldo del padre no cubría las necesidades de su familia. | My salary barely covers my living expenses. |
land yourself in it | Con aquel comentario en público se cubrió de gloria el buen hombre. | With that public comment he landed himself in it, the poor guy. |
cover expenses | No ganamos mucho, pero al menos cubrimos los gastos. | We don't make much money, but at least we cover expenses. |
fill a post | La empresa necesita cubrir un puesto de cadete. | The company needs to fill a junior post. |
meet a need | La familia necesita un subsidio para cubrir una necesidad básica como comer. | The family needs an allowance to meet basic needs such as eating. |
cover the news | Juan es periodista y salió a cubrir una noticia. | Juan is a journalist and went out to cover the news. |
keep up appearances | Martín tuvo que guardar las apariencias cuando aparecieron sus hijos. | Martin had to keep up appearances when his children arrived. |