cross | Debías ser rudo para cruzar el país entonces. | You had to be tough to cross this country in them days. |
cross | Supongo que nadie más puede cruzar sin esto. | I suppose that nobody more it can cross without this. |
cross | Sólo tratamos de cruzar esta región. | We're simply trying to cross this region. |
cross | Fue su idea de cruzar el hielo... | It was your idea to cross the ice... and we still need him. |
cross | Permiso para cruzar el frente aquí. | An Urlaubsschein. Permission to cross a frontier. |
cross | Los soldados construyeron una balsa para cruzar. | The soldiers built a raft to cross it with. |
cross | Encontré estos cuatro intentando cruzar una autopista. | I found these four trying to cross a freeway. |
cross | Tendremos que cruzar el área restringida. | We'll have to cross the restricted area. |
cross | Quiero cruzar ese puente, amigos. | I want to cross that bridge, y'all. |
cross | Hay líneas que no deberías cruzar. | There's some lines you shouldn't cross. |
cross | Tendrás que cruzar la barrera interdimensional. | You'll have to cross the interdimensional barrier. |
cross | Yo no deseaba cruzar este triste umbral. | I didn't wish to cross this cheerless threshold. |
cross | Simplemente tratamos de cruzar esta región. | We're simply trying to cross this region. |
get across | Debe tener otra manera de cruzar. | He must have another way to get across. |
get across | Ahora tenemos que averiguar cómo cruzar eso. | Now all we have to figure out is how to get across that. |
get across | Tenemos 12 horas para cruzar dos estados. | We have 12 hours to get across two states. |
get across | Apagaré los faros para que puedan cruzar. | I'll turn off the beacons so you can get across. |
cross | Cruza los dedos para tener buena suerte. | Cross your fingers for luck. |
cross | Crucé la calle sin mirar. | I crossed the street without looking. |
exchange | Cruzamos miradas durante toda la fiesta pero nunca hablamos. | We exchanged glances during the party, but never really talked. |
cross, crossbreed | He cruzado mi gato persa con una gata siamesa. | I've crossed (or: crossbred) my Persian with a Siamese. |
cross | Cruza siempre los cheques, que no pueda cobrarlos nadie más que tú. | You should always cross your cheques - that way no-one but you can cash them. |