culture | Algunas de ellas promueven la cultura. | A number of them have the objective of promoting culture. |
culture | Promover una cultura de paz aplicando numerosas estrategias. | To promote a culture of peace that must be constructed and developed via multiple strategies. |
culture | Parece ser una cultura antigua de América. | It's almost like the Olmec culture of Mesoamerica. |
culture | Sería un insulto a su cultura no aceptarlas. | It would be an insult to her culture not to take them. |
culture | Determinada por la cultura del momento. | Determined by a culture at a certain time in history. |
culture | Veo que estás abrazando la cultura local. | I'll take it you're taking in the local culture. |
culture | Nuestra cultura y civilización existen sólo porque tenemos fuego. | Our culture and civilization exists today only because we have fire. |
culture | Me hace feliz compartir vuestra cultura. | I'm very happy to share in your culture. |
culture | También se restablece la cultura nacional búlgara. | The national culture of the Bulgarians is being revived. |
culture | Porque no hay economía sin cultura. | Because, there is no economy without the culture. |
culture | Nos reunimos en este hermoso día para celebrar nuestra cultura. | We gather together on this beautiful day to celebrate our culture, our life here. |
culture | También forma parte de la cultura islámica. | You know, it's also part of the Islamic culture. |
culture | Sólo trata de salvar su cultura. | He's just trying to save his culture. |
culture | Lo más sorprendente son las semejanzas con nuestra cultura. | What's most amazing are the similarities with our own culture. |
culture | Capturan toda esa cultura, viejo. | Capturing the whole culture and everything, man. |
culture | Esta es la cultura que represento. | This is about the culture that I represent. |
culture | Querría aprender más sobre vuestra cultura. | I'd like to learn more about your culture. |
culture | Pero, Xena está arraigado en nuestra cultura. | But, Xena...,'s ingrained in our culture. |
culture | Deseamos aprender más de su cultura. | We're looking forward to learning more about your culture. |
culture | Ello exige instituciones representativas sólidas que instauren una cultura de democracia. | That will require strong representative institutions that can further support a culture of democracy. |
culture | Me fascina la cultura oriental. | I'm fascinated by oriental culture. |
knowledge | Tiene mucha cultura porque ha leído y viajado mucho. | She has a lot of knowledge because she has read and traveled a lot. |
classical antiquity, classical era, classical age | La cultura clásica está en la base de la cultura contemporánea occidental. | Classical antiquity is the basis for modern Western culture. |
mass culture | Dicen que la Feria del Libro es un evento de cultura de masas. | They say that the Book Fair is a mass culture event. |
work culture, working culture | Marcos no tiene cultura de trabajo. | Marco has no work culture. |
the path of least resistance | La cultura del mínimo esfuerzo ha creado un país de conformistas. | A culture of minimal effort has bred a nation of conformists. |
general knowledge | El examen tiene preguntas de cultura general. | The exam has general knoweldge questions. |
ancient culture | Los mayas son una cultura milenaria. | The Mayans are an ancient culture. |