
De Estar Está En La I El Se

Index 21
Question estar
Question sentences
Podrías estar desperdiciando tu futura fertilidad.
Deberíamos estar alineándolos, no instalándolos.
Answer be
Answer sentences and translations
bePodrías estar desperdiciando tu futura fertilidad.You could be squandering your future fertility for all you know.
beDeberíamos estar alineándolos, no instalándolos.We should be aligning them by now, not installing them.
beDicha exigencia deberá estar debidamente motivada.When making such a request, full reasons shall be given.
beParecía estar desarrollándose a pasos agigantados.It was believed to be on the fast track to development.
beY podía estar dondequiera que quisiera estar.And could just be wherever it wanted to be.
beLos hostiles podrían estar diviendose para poder estar con ambos grupos... y mantenerlos en línea.The hostiles might be splitting up so they can be with both groups... to keep them in line.
beDebería estar, debería estar por aquí.It should be, it should be around here.
beAquí deberían estar, deberíamos estar.Here they'd be, here we'd be. Yes, sir.
beNunca estoy donde debería estar cuando debería estar.I'm never where I should be when I should be there.
beAunque supongo que debería estar acostumbrada a estar excluida del círculo estos días.Although I guess I should be used to being cut out of the loop these days.
bePuedo estar con quien quiera estar.I can be with who I want to be with.
beOjalá pudieran estar aquí sin estar aquí.I wish they could be here without being here.
bePrefiero estar sola a estar con un hombre como Judd.I would rather be alone than be with a man like Judd.
beEs sólo estar donde no debes estar.Just being someplace you're not supposed to be.
beEs imposible estar seguros, pero parecen estar operativas.It's impossible to be certain, but they appear to be operational.
beNo necesito estar drogada para estar contigo.No, I just don't need to be high to be with you.
beEs extraño estar vivo, cuando la evidencia dice que debería estar muerto.It's a little strange to be walking around when every shred of evidence says I should be dead.
beEl profesor está enfadado con nosotros.The teacher is angry with us.
beEl director está en su despacho.The director is in his office.
be at each other's throatsMi perro Vobo siempre anda a la greña con el de los vecinos: se llevan fatal. No sé como esos dos siguen juntos si siempre están a la greña.I heard raised voices from my neighbors: they were at each other's throats all evening.
be lacking in [sth]Este guiso está escaso de sal.This stew is lacking in salt.
be light years awayEl fin de la crisis parece estar a años luz.The end of the crisis seems like it is light years away.
be light years away fromEse problema está a años luz de resolverse.This problem is light years away from being sorted out.
be up to [sth]Con su actitud, Esteban demostró que no está a la altura y que acertamos al despedirlo.Esteban demonstrated with his attitude that he was not up to the job and that we were right in firing him.
be commonplaceEn aquella época, los secuestros estaban a la orden del día en el país.At the time, kidnappings were commonplace in the country.
be at daggers drawn with [sb]Estoy a matar con mi prima; si ella va a la fiesta yo no voy.I'm at daggers drawn with my cousin; I won't go to the party if she does.
be around the cornerHay que recoger todo que tus padres están al caer.You have to pick everything up because your parents are around the corner.
be with itSi quieres estar al loro de lo que se lleva esta temporada tienes que ver esta revista de moda.It you want to be with it in what is trending this season, you have to look at this fashion magazine.
be on the ballVino un niño a pegarle al suyo en el parque, pero la madre estuvo al quite y lo apartó a tiempo.A child tried to punch her son in the park, but she was on the ball and pulled him out of the way in time.
have another think coming¡Si cree que después de lo que ha hecho voy a ir con él al baile, está apañado!If he thinks that after what he's done I'm going to go to the ball with him, he's got another think coming!
be in troubleSi no me ayudas, estoy apañado.If you don't help me, I'm in trouble.
be in good [sth]A sus 85 años, mi suegra está bien de salud. A pesar de que ya casi no camina, el abuelo está bien de la cabeza.At the age of 85, my mother-in-law is in good health.
serve [sb] rightSe lo merece, le está bien empleado después de lo que le hizo a su esposa.It serves him right after what he did to his wife.
feel wellSi no estás bueno pide una cita con el médico.If you don't feel well, make a doctor's appointment.
have a fever, run a feverRamón estaba caliente cuando despertó y por eso no fue hoy a la oficina.Ramón had a fever when he woke up and that's why he didn't go to work today.
be crazyJuan está como un cencerro. Ya tiene edad de sentar la cabeza.Juan is crazy. He's already at the age where he should settle down.
be completely mad, be off your headEstás como una cabra, deja de bailar encima de la mesa.You're completely mad, stop dancing on the table.
be crazyEstás como una regadera, deja de hacer tonterías.You must be crazy! Stop being so foolish.
be over itSi me hubieras contado eso hace unos diez años, tal vez me habría preocupado un poco, pero a estas alturas ya estoy curado de espanto.If you had told me that ten years ago, maybe it would have worried me a little, but at this point in life, I'm already over it.
chatMi padre está siempre de cháchara al teléfono.My dad is always chatting on the phone.
be in a bad moodHoy tuve un día difícil y estoy de malas pulgas: mejor ni me hables.I had a tough day today and I'm in a bad mood, so you'd better not speak to me.
be in a bad moodNo sé qué te pasa últimamente, siempre estás de morros. Nuestra hija está de morros porque la castigamos.I don't know what's up with you lately, you are always in a bad mood.
be down on your luckJavier está de pega, de nuevo le han robado la bicicleta.Javier is down on his luck: his bike has been stolen again.
be in luckEse día los ladrones estaban de suerte y se salvaron de que los atraparan.That day, the thieves were in luck and avoided capture.
to die forEsta lasaña está de vicio.This lasagna is to die for.
laze aroundSe está de vicio en esta hamaca.He's lazing around in this hammock.
be in on [sth]Mi hermana se hace que no sabe, pero yo sé que está en el ajo.My sister makes out that she doesn't know, but I know she's in on it.
be in the spotlightLa reina de belleza está en el candelero.The beauty queen is in the spotlight.
be in the spotlightLas noticias de las celebridades siempre están en el candelero.News concerning celebrities are always in the spotlight.
be within [sb]'s rightsLos clientes están en su derecho a quejarse si algo no les gusta. Ya sabes que estás en tu derecho a pedirles respeto a tus jefes.It is within the customers' rights to complain if something isn't to their liking.
be in seventh heaven, be on cloud nineMis padres están en la gloria desde que se jubilaron y se fueron a vivir al campo.My parents have been in seventh heaven since they retired an went to live in the countryside.
be in the darkSerá una fiesta sorpresa; el homenajeado está en la inopia.It will be a surprise party; the guest of honour is in the dark.
be distracted, be far away, be miles away¿Te pasa algo? Desde esta mañana estás en la inopia.Is something wrong with you? You've been miles away since this morning.
have your head in the clouds¿Perdiste la billetera otra vez? Siempre estás en la luna.Did you lose your wallet again? You always have your head in the clouds.
be daydreamingEl profesor nota si los estudiantes están en las nubes.The professor notices if the students are daydreaming.
have your head in the cloudsLucía está en las nubes desde que se casó y tuvo a su primer hijo.Lucy has had her head in the clouds ever since she got married and gave birth to her first son.
have your head in the cloudsEs bonito estar en las nubes, pero no todo el día.It is nice to have your head in the clouds, but not all day long.
be on your last legsVoy a visitar a mi abuela al hospital todos los días porque está en las últimas.I'm visit my grandfather in hospital every day because he's on his last legs.
be on its last legsVoy a comprarme una computadora nueva porque esta ya está en las últimas.I'm going to buy a new PC because this one is on its last legs.
not have two pennies to rub togetherDespués de ese mal negocio, el joven empresario está en las últimas.After that failed business venture, the young entrepreneur doesn't have two pennies to rub together.
be certain, be rightEstaba en lo cierto cuando dije que esta inversión no era buena.I was right when I said that this investment wasn't worthwhile.
stand by what's been said, stand by your wordEstoy en lo dicho: ese joven no me agrada y no pienso cambiar de opinión.I stand by my word: I don't like that young man and I won't change my opinion.
be in diapersEl proyecto está en mantillas, pero pronto veremos resultados.The project is still in diapers but we'll soon see the results.
be wet behind the earsEstoy en mantillas: todavía no sé de qué se trata el trabajo ni cuánto van a pagarme.I'm wet behind the ears: I still don't know what my job is about nor when I'm going to get paid.
be distractedHoy ese estudiante está en orsay y no se entera de nada.The student is distracted today and isn't taking anything in.
be in your elementLa biología no es lo mío, pero, si hablamos de computadoras, ahí sí estoy en mi elemento.Biology is not my thing, but, if we talk about computers, I'm really in my element.
be in the cardsEstaba escrito que se cruzarían nuestros caminos: era inevitable. La historia ya estaba escrita: el dictador llegó al poder aquel año.It was in the cards that our paths would cross; it was inevitable.
be lovey doveyAunque Andrés tuvo un disgusto muy fuerte ayer con su novia, hoy otra vez está hecho un almíbar.Even though Andrés had a tiff with his girlfriend yesterday, today he's all lovey dovey again.
be as thin as a pencilMartín se puso a dieta y ahora está hecho un espárrago.Martin went on a diet and is now as thin as a pencil.
be all wrinkly, be all crumpled upLa cara de la anciana estaba hecha un higo.The old lady's face was all wrinkly.
be beaten and bruisedMi hijo está hecho un lázaro porque estaba jugando rugby.My son is beaten and bruised because he was playing rugby.
be in tatters, be in shredsCámbiate de ropa que no puedes estar hecho un lázaro cuando venga la visita.Change your clothes because you can't be seen to be in tatters when the guest arrives.
be a bundle of nervesCuando llegó al hospital por el parto de su mujer, el joven estaba hecho un manojo de nervios.When he arrived at the hospital for the birth of his child, he was a bundle of nerves.
doubled upDurmió en el sofá hecho un ocho y, cuando se despertó, le dolía todo.He slept doubled up on the sofa and when he woke up his whole body ached.
be pooped, be wiped outNo quiero hacer nada hoy; estoy hecho un pingajo.I don't fancy doing anything today: I'm pooped.
be as wrinkled as a pruneMi hermano está hecho una pasa; parece un anciano.My brother is as wrinkled as a prune; he looks like an old man.
be on cloud nineDesde que sabe que lo han admitido en la Facultad de Medicina está hecho unas pascuas.Since he found out he's been admitted into the Faculty of Medicine, he is on cloud nine.
have a bad [+ body part]Estoy mal del hígado; tengo hepatitis. La paciente está mal de los riñones.I wanted to play basketball, but I have a bad knee.
be low on [sth]En estos momentos no podemos comprar otro auto porque estamos mal de plata.At the moment we can't buy a new car because we're low on funds.
be nutty, be loopyCreo que mi vecina está mal de la cabeza: siempre que me ve, me dice su nombre como si no me conociera.I think my neighbor is loopy: every time she sees me she tells me her name, as if we had never met.
be as old as the hillsEse espectáculo está más visto que el tebeo.This show is as old as the hills.
be as old as the hillsTom Hanks está más visto que el tebeo.Tom Hanks is as old as the hills.
be too old forEstás muy grande para que te diga lo que debes hacer. Mi hermano está muy grande como para que mi papá todavía lo defienda.My brother is too old for my dad to be standing up for him still.
have had itEse carro está para el tigre. En lugar de arreglarlo, mejor véndelo para repuestos.That car has had it. Instead of fixing it, it's better to sell it for spare parts.
be sky-high, be through the roofNo puedo ir a visitarte este año porque los boletos de avión están por las nubes.I can't come to see you this year because ticket prices are sky-high.
remain to be seenCon los últimos escándalos de corrupción, los proyectos del alcalde están por verse.The Mayor's projects remain to be seen in light of the latest corruption scandals.
remain to be seenLos resultados de la inversión están por verse.The results of the investment remain to be seen.

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