make | Quiero hacer finalmente dos comentarios brevísimos. | Finally, I would like to make two very short comments. |
make | Tenemos que hacer algo, alcanzar, hacer el siguiente movimiento. | We have to do something, reach out, make the next move. |
make | Jared estaba muy presionado por hacer un libro genial... y hacer que vuelva el editor. | Jared was feeling a lot of pressure to make this one great, maybe try to get him back. |
make | Nuestra comedia debe hacer algo más que hacer reír. | Our comedy got to do more than make people laugh. |
make | Me gustaría hacer algo bueno, hacer la diferencia. | I'd like to do some good, make a difference. |
doing | Con frecuencia, necesitamos decidir entre tres opciones: hacer lo que tenemos ganas de hacer, hacer lo que queremos hacer y hacer lo que necesitamos hacer. | Frequently, we need to decide between three choices: doing what we feel like doing, what we want to do, and what we need to do. |
doing | Es como cuando empecé a hacer barras: no quería que me vieras hasta poder hacer una. | It's like when I started doing chin-ups; I didn't want you to see until I could do one. |
doing | No puede hacer esto, hacer preguntas, ofrecer recompensas. | You can't be doing this, asking questions, offering rewards. |
doing | Acabarás forzándoles a hacer algo que nunca pensarían en hacer. | You'll end up making them do something they'd never think of doing. |
doing | Aquí voy hacer lo que debo hacer. | Here I go, doing what I'm supposed to do. |
doing | Podría hacer que te inhabilitaran por hacer algo como esto. | I could have you disbarred for doing something like that. |
make, cause | El café derramado hizo un charco en el piso. | The spilt coffee made a puddle on the floor. |
make | El panadero hace pan. | A baker makes bread. |
do | Ana hizo los deberes. | Ana did her homework. |
make | Los chistes de un buen comediante hacen reír a la gente. El alumno hizo que el profesor se equivocara. | Jokes from a good comedian make people laugh. |
say | El gato hace miau. | A cat says "meow." |
take | El autobús hizo ocho horas de Tampico a la Ciudad de México. | The bus took eight hours from Tampico to Mexico City. |
do, cover | Los nadadores hacen cuatro kilómetros diarios. | The swimmers do (or: cover) four kilometers daily. |
make, win | Su padre soñaba con hacer fortuna en el extranjero pero regresó derrotado a su país. | His father dreamed of making a fortune abroad, but returned defeated to his own country. |
be | Hoy hace mucho viento. Ayer hizo calor por la mañana. | Today it's very windy. Yesterday it was hot in the morning. |
ago | Hace cinco años se casó mi hermano. | My brother got married five years ago. |
May I? | Hace calor, ¿me permite abrir la ventana? | May I open the window? It's hot in here. |
Would you mind? | ¿Te importaría pasarme el periódico? | Would you mind handing me the newspaper? |
in order to | El actor principal se ha ido; tendremos que contratar a un doble a efectos de filmar las escenas que faltan. | Since the lead actor left, we will need to hire a double in order to film the rest of the scenes. |
behind [sb]'s back | Los amigos organizaron la despedida de soltera a espaldas del novio. Papá vendió la empresa familiar a nuestras espaldas. | Friends organized the stag party behind the groom's back |
by | Camilo logrará hacer que su hermana venga a la fiesta a fuerza de llamarla. | Camilo will manage to persuade his sister to come to the party by calling her. |
when it comes to | A la hora de solucionar cualquier problema, Julián siempre está dispuesto a colaborar. | When it comes to solving problems, Julián is always willing to help. |
about to | El suicida estaba a punto de saltar cuando lo rescató la policía. | The man was about to jump when the police officers saved him. |
in time to do [sth] | ¡Todavía estás a tiempo de matricularte en el curso de mandarín! No todo está perdido: la empresa sigue a tiempo de recuperarse. | You're still in time to enroll in the Mandarin course! |
on the verge of doing [sth] | Cuando mi abuelo sufrió un infarto, estuvo a un paso de morir. | When my grandfather suffered a stroke he was on the verge of dying. |
abstain from doing [sth] | En la actualidad, muchos ciudadanos se abstienen de votar. | Many citizens abstain from voting these days. |
have just done [sth] | —¿Tu hermano está en la casa? —No sé, acabo de llegar. | "Is your brother home?"
"I don't know. I've just got here." |
end up doing [sth] | Como hacía mal tiempo, acabamos pasando el fin de semana en casa de mis suegros. | Because the weather was bad, we ended up spending the weekend at my in-laws' house. |
agree to do [sth], consent to do [sth] | Los empleados de la biblioteca accedieron a mostrarnos los archivos. | The library staff agreed to (or: consented to) show us the files. |
manage to do [sth] | Observaba el cielo estrellado y acerté a ver pasar el cometa Halley. | I was watching the starry sky and I managed to see Comet Hally. |
be able to do [sth] | Los estudiantes estaban tan nerviosos que no acertaron a explicar su punto de vista. | The students were so nervous that they were not able to explain their point of view. |
remember to do [sth] | No sé por qué, pero siempre me acuerdo de llamar a mi cuñada en su cumpleaños. | I don't know why, but I always remember to call my sister-in-law on her birthday. |
used to doing [sth] | Acostumbrada a levantarse temprano, la maestra siempre llegaba a la escuela antes que todos. | Used to getting up early, the teacher always arrived at school before everyone else. |
resist the urge to dos th, resist the temptation to do [sth] | Por educación, la mujer se aguantó las ganas de gritar su descontento. | Out of politeness, the woman resisted the urge to yell in anger. |
to the point of | Su sed de poder lo enajenó al grado de corromper su alma. | His thirst for power drove him to the point of corrupting his soul. |
at the moment of doing [sth] | Diego se dio cuenta al momento de cerrar la puerta: se había dejado las llaves dentro. | Diego realized at the moment of closing the door that he had left his keys inside. |
to the point of | La discusión se acaloró al punto de llegar a los golpes. | The discussion got heated, to the point of coming to blows. |
manage to do [sth] | La muchacha alcanzó a oír la voz de su amigo entre el griterío. Mi sobrino murió tan joven que no alcanzó a realizar todos sus sueños. | The girl managed to pick out her friend's voice amidst the screaming. |
threaten to | El ladrón nos amenazó con dispararnos si no hacíamos lo que nos ordenaba. | The thief threatened to shoot us if we didn't do as we were told. |
threaten to do [sth] | El asistente amenazó con renunciar si no le aumentaban el sueldo. | The assistant threatened to quit if he wasn't given a pay rise. |
threaten to do [sth] | La inmensa nevada amenazaba con dejar aislada la ciudad. | The heavy snowfall threatened to cut the town off completely. |
before doing [sth] | Nos lavamos las manos antes de comer. | We wash our hands before eating. |
as well as [+gerund], besides [+gerund] | Comer saludable, aparte de ser beneficioso, alarga la vida. Aparte de insultarme, tienes el descaro de pedirme dinero prestado. | Eating well, as well as being beneficial, makes you live longer. |
learn to do [sth] | Los niños aprenden a leer y escribir. Tienes que aprender a sumar antes de aprender a multiplicar. | Children learn to read and write. |
take advantage of the fact that I have nothing to do | Aproveché que no tenía nada que hacer y fui a la playa. | I took advantage of the fact that I had nothing to do and went to the beach. |
hurry [sb] up to do [sth] | La madre apuró a sus hijos a vestirse. | The mother hurried her children to get dressed. |
burn with desire to do [sth] | El exiliado arde en deseos de regresar a su patria. | The exile is burning with desire to return to his homeland. |
even if | Encontraremos la cura, así haya que ir a mil médicos. | We'll find the cure, even if we have to go to a thousand doctors. |
aim to do [sth] | Ese joven aspira a ser autosuficiente y busca un buen trabajo. | That young man aims to be self sufficient and is looking for a good job. |
manage to do [sth] | La mujer no atinaba a coger las llaves del bolso. | The woman couldn't manage to get her keys out of her bag. |
there's still a lot to do | Aún hay mucho por hacer en el terreno de los derechos humanos. | There's still a lot to do in the field of human rights. |
help [sb] to do [sth], help [sb] do [sth], help [sb] with [sth] | Mis amigos me ayudaron a preparar todo para la mudanza. | My friends helped me to get everything ready for the move. |
help do [sth] | Los sobrevivientes ayudaron a buscar a los heridos. | The survivors helped look for the injured. |
capable of doing [sth] | El país necesita a un líder capaz de sacarlo de la crisis. ¿Eres capaz de aflojar este tornillo oxidado? | Our country needs a new leader who is capable of getting us out of this mess. |
stop doing [sth] | El empleado cesó de hablar cuando vio aparecer a la directora. | The employee stopped talking when he saw the director approaching. |
start to do [sth] | Hernán comenzó a estudiar Agronomía hace dos años. | Hernan started to study agronomy two years ago. |
feel like doing [sth], like to do something | Hoy me levanté con ganas de hacer ejercicio, así que salí a correr. | Today I woke up feeling like exercising, so I went out running. |
eager to do [sth] | Jennifer es una joven muy esforzada con ganas de aprender. | Jennifer is a very hardworking young woman and eager to learn. |
in order to, to | Sería capaz de atravesar el océano nadando con tal de volver a verte. Con tal de no ponerse al teléfono conmigo, Miguel es capaz de inventarse cosas rarísimas. | I'd swim across the ocean to see you again. In order to not talk to me on the phone, Miguel is willing to make up crazy things. |
by just, with just, with a mere | Con tan solo escucharlo unos minutos, uno se da cuenta de lo que piensa. | You can figure out what he thinks by just listening to him for a few minutes. |
settle for | Si no puedo tener dos gatos, me conformaré con tener solo uno. | If I can't have two cats I'll settle for just one. |
manage to do [sth] | Conseguimos mover la nevera con la ayuda de Tomás. | We managed to move the refrigerator with Thomas' help. |
things to do | Me quedan aún muchas cosas por hacer. | I still have many things to do. |
inclined to do [sth], prone to doing [sth], given to doing [sth] | Mi tío es un hombre dado a meterse en asuntos ajenos. Juana es muy dada a pensar mal de los demás. | My uncle is a man given to meddling in other people's affairs. Juana is very inclined to think badly of others. |
take to [sth] | A Juan le dio por fumar. Al niño le dio por comerse las uñas y no sé qué hacer. | Juan has taken to smoking. The kid has taken to biting his nails and I don't know what to do. |
take up [sth] | A Luisa le dio por jugar tenis y está muy contenta. | Luisa took up tennis and is very happy. |
give [sb] encouragement to do [sth] | Cuando quería rendirme, mis amigos me dieron ánimos de seguir adelante. | Just as I was about to throw in the towel, my friends gave me encouragement to carry on. |
feel like doing [sth] | A veces le dan a uno ganas de salir corriendo y dejarlo todo con tal de tener un poco de serenidad. | Sometimes people feel like running away and leaving everything for a little bit of peace. |
make [sb] feel like doing [sth] | Todas esas fotos de postres y comidas me están dando ganas de irme al primer restaurante que me encuentre. | All these photos of food and desserts is making me feel like stopping off at the first restaurant I come across. |
take to [sth] | Ahora le ha dado por hacer ganchillo. | Now she's taken to crochet work. |
give time to, leave time to | Tiene muy poco lo de su divorcio, dale tiempo a perdonar. | He's only just got divorced. Give him time to forgive. |
if you can't do [sth] | De no poder llamar, mándame un texto al móvil. | If you can't call me, text me. |
if you can't do [sth] | De no poder aprender inglés, va a cancelar el viaje. | If she can't learn English, she'll cancel the trip. |
from so much | Eurídice se murió y a Orfeo se le rompió el corazón de tanto sufrir. | Eurydice died and Orpheus' heart broke from so much suffering. |
concentrate on, focus on | Dedícate a hacer los deberes y no protestes. | Concentrate (or: focus) on your homework and don't complain. |
let [sb] do [sth] | Su jefe lo dejó salir temprano del trabajo. Mis padres no me dejan ver películas violentas. | She lets her children play in the yard alone. |
stop doing [sth] | Por fin dejó de llover. Deja de jugar y ponte a hacer tu tarea. | It finally stopped raining. |
let yourself be | Pedro siempre se deja humillar por su jefe. Eres el mejor y lo sabes: ¡no te dejes eclipsar! | Pedro always lets himself be humiliated by his boss. You're the best and you know it; don't let yourself be eclipsed! |
leave room for [sth] | ¿Por qué no me dejas un espacio para decir lo que pienso? En las reuniones de trabajo hay que dejar un espacio para aportar ideas creativas. | Why don't you leave me some room to say what I think? |
tolerate anything | Pablo se deja hacer cualquier cosa cuando está de novio. | Pedro tolerates anything when he's going out with someone. |
right to do [sth] | Cuando insultaste a tu padre, perdiste el derecho a opinar en esta casa. | You lost the right to have an opinion in this house when you insulted your father. |
after doing [sth] | Iremos al cine después de comer. | We'll go to the cinema after having dinner. |
God free us from doing [sth] | Dios nos libre de creer que somos dueños de la verdad absoluta. | God free us from believing that we are know the absolute truth. |
apologize for doing [sth] | Andrés se disculpó por haber llegado tarde. | Andres apologized for arriving late. |
apologies for, sorry for | Disculpe por haber omitido su nombre en la lista de asistentes. | Apologies for having left your name off the attendance list. |
willing to do [sth], ready to do [sth] | En la guerra había hombres dispuestos a morir por su país. Estoy dispuesta a ayudarte para que termines el trabajo a tiempo. | In the war there were men who were willing to die for their country. |
be far from doing [sth] | El ambiente en la oficina dista de ser placentero. | The atmosphere in the office is far from being pleasant. |
be far from doing [sth] | Con los últimos hechos, este malentendido dista de quedar aclarado. | The misunderstanding is far from being cleared up with these latest facts. |
have second thoughts about doing [sth] | Cuando el clavadista llegó al borde del acantilado, dudó en lanzarse. | When the diver reached the edge of the cliff, he had second thoughts about jumping. |
hard to | Salir de la crisis económica es duro de lograr pero no imposible. | Recovering from an economic crisis is hard to do, but it's not impossible. |
start by | Para crear un producto nuevo, empiecen por analizar el mercado. | To create a new product, start by analyzing the market. |
if | Llame a recepción en caso de necesitar más toallas. | Call reception if you need more towels. |
fit to do [sth], fit for [sth] | Una semana después de la operación, el paciente ya se sentía en condiciones de volver al trabajo. El alcalde cree que la ciudad aún no está en condiciones para comenzar la construcción del metro. | A week after the operation the patient already felt fit enough to go back to work. |
in the event of | En el caso de perder un vuelo, consulte las políticas de reembolso. | In the event of missing a flight, refer to the refund policy. |
on doing [sth] | Dicen que el alma se separa del cuerpo en el momento de morir. | They say that the soul separates from the body on dying. |
be waiting to | Sigo en espera de reunir suficiente dinero para viajar. | I'm still waiting to get enough money together to travel. |
instead of doing [sth] | Hagamos ejercicio en lugar de ir a tomar helado. | Let's exercise instead of going for ice cream. |
instead of doing [sth] | Los niños se fueron a jugar en el parque en vez de hacer la tarea. | The children went to play in the park instead of doing their homework. |
be responsible for, be in charge of | El jefe de recepción del hotel se encarga de resolver las quejas de los huéspedes. | The hotel reception manager is responsible for (or: in charge of) resolving complaints from guests. |
dawdle about doing [sth] | Me entretuve en preparar a los niños para el colegio y llegué tarde a la reunión. | I dawdled about getting the kids ready for school and was late for the meeting. |
this | Eso de atosigar a la pareja termina por enfriar el amor. | This harassment of the partner ends up cooling off love. |
be about to do [sth], be on the verge of doing [sth] | Estaba por salir a comer con mi novio cuando sonó el teléfono. La función está por empezar. | I was about to go out to eat with my boyfriend when the phone rang. The function is about to begin. |
have half a mind to do [sth] | Ya no soporto a mi jefe: ¡estoy por renunciar en cualquier momento! | I can't stand my boss: I've half a mind to quit my job any moment! |
be about to do [sth] | Estábamos para salir cuando oímos una explosión. | We were about to leave when we heard an explosion. |