him | Christopher tiene trabajo, le diré que le invitaste. | Christopher's away on business but I'll tell him you invited him. |
him | Sugiero que le liberemos y le mantengamos bajo vigilancia. | I suggest that we release him and keep him under surveillance. |
him | Si le acierta a un pelícano le doy una medalla. | Tell him if he can hit a pelican, I'll put him in for the congressional medal of honor. |
him | Bâsicamente le dije que le daría otra oportunidad. | I basically told him to, you know, give it another shot. |
him | Si le informamos de que trabaja en ese caso, le abrirá un expediente y le despedirá. | He tells me that if we inform him you are working on this case, he'll have you brought up on charges and fired. |
him | Si le damos tiempo, se le pasará. | We're just going to give him a little time, he'll come around. |
him | Cuando le conocí le entregue el dinero de mi padre. | When I met this 'Mr. Dawson', I gave him my father's wealth to keep for me. |
him | Blake le detuvo, le denunció y le despidieron. | Blake stopped him, reported him, and he was fired. |
him | Miki le abrazó alegremente, le dio la bienvenida y le hizo pasar. | Miki happily hugged that guy to welcome him. and led him into her room. |
him | Yo le sedé y le dejé libre pero también me aseguré de que si conseguía volver le encontraría yo antes. | I sedated him and set him free, but I also made sure that if he found his way back, I'd find him first. |
you | Bâsicamente le dije que le daría otra oportunidad. | I basically told him to, you know, give it another shot. |
you | Si le informamos de que trabaja en ese caso, le abrirá un expediente y le despedirá. | He tells me that if we inform him you are working on this case, he'll have you brought up on charges and fired. |
he | Si le acierta a un pelícano le doy una medalla. | Tell him if he can hit a pelican, I'll put him in for the congressional medal of honor. |
her | Sólo le preguntaba si le apetecía salir. | I was just asking her if she felt like going out. |
she | Sólo le preguntaba si le apetecía salir. | I was just asking her if she felt like going out. |
I | No le garantizo que le llame. | I can't guarantee that he'll call you back, - Yes. |
I | Cuando le conocí le entregue el dinero de mi padre. | When I met this 'Mr. Dawson', I gave him my father's wealth to keep for me. |
I | Si le doy la vuelta, le duele mucho y le han salido unas úlceras. | And I can't turn her over because it hurts too much, so she's getting these sores. |
I | No le conozco, pero le daré tus recuerdos si le veo. | I never met the man, but I'll be sure to pass on your regards when I do. |
I | Yo le sedé y le dejé libre pero también me aseguré de que si conseguía volver le encontraría yo antes. | I sedated him and set him free, but I also made sure that if he found his way back, I'd find him first. |
it | El auto hacía un ruido extraño, así que le revisé el motor. | Shonna knew that her brother was in the next room being interrogated and couldn't bear it. |
you | Ya le dije que no me interesa adquirir una póliza de seguro; por favor, no insista. | I've already told you I don't want an insurance policy; please don't insist. |
him | Vi a tu padre en el supermercado y le saludé. | I saw your father in the supermarket and said hi to him. |