come | Quiere venir a tu estudio mañana. | She wants to come to your studio tomorrow. |
come | Debió venir con nosotros desde Suecia. | She must have come with us from Sweden. |
come | Rossetti dijo que debería venir a verte. | Rossetti said that I should come to see you. |
come | Podría venir a Maple Grove gratis. | He could come to maple grove for free. |
come | Podrías venir conmigo y cantar en nuestro concierto. | You, too, should come with me and sing in our concert. |
come | Porque logró una buena paga para venir al Luncheonette. | Because he took a big pay cut to come work at the luncheonette. |
come | No, simplemente decidió venir ahora. | No, she just decided to come now. |
come | Pero diste un mal ejemplo cuando debiste venir corriendo. | But you set a bad example when you should have come running here. |
come | Podemos venir cualquier noche y tendremos nuestro lugar especial. | We can come any night of the week and have our own special space. |
come | Este pequeñín tiene prisa en venir y saludarla. | This little one's in quite a hurry to come and say hello to you. |
come | No pudiste venir en mejor tiempo. | Couldn't have come at a better time. |
come | Marius, no debiste venir aquí. | Marius, you shouldn't have come here. |
come | Por convencerme de venir aquí... contigo. | For persuading me to come here... with you. |
come | Le pregunté si quería venir conmigo. | I asked him whether he wanted to come with me. |
go | Debería venir conmigo al casino también. | You must go with me to the casino too. |
go | Le dije que no quería venir. | I told him I didn't want to go. |
come over | Deberías venir a ver mi ordenador. | You should come over and see my computer. |
come | Los abuelos vendrán esta tarde a visitarnos. El director vino tarde. | Our grandparents are coming to visit us this afternoon. The director came late. |
return | Los pescadores vinieron de madrugada con una gran pesca. | The fisherman returned early in the morning with a large catch. |
be | El artículo que te dije viene en la página 20. | The article I told you about is on page 20. |
move around, move about | Los viajeros van y vienen por los corredores del aeropuerto. | Travelers move about the airport corridors. |
come and go | Los síntomas de esta extraña enfermedad van y vienen sin razón aparente. | The symptoms of this strange illness come and go without any apparent reason. |
come and go | No me quedaré mucho tiempo en la capital: iré y vendré el mismo día. | I won't stay long in the capital: I'll come and go the same day. |
coming and going | El profesor de Historia nos explicó el ir y venir de los sucesos del siglo XIX. | The history teacher told us about the comings and goings of nineteenth century events. |
be out of place | Hablar de lujos no viene a cuento habiendo tanta pobreza. | Talking about luxuries is out of place when there is so much poverty. |
inappropriately | Sin venir a cuento, sacó el tema del dinero que gana. | Inappropriately, he brought up the subject of the money he earns. |
[sth] come to mind, [sth] spring to mind | Cuando me viene una idea a la cabeza, necesito escribirla inmediatamente para no olvidarla. | When an idea springs to mind (or: comes to mind), I need to write it down so I don't forget it. |
be applicable, be relevant | ¿Te parece que ese comentario viene a cuento ahora? | Do you think that comment is relevant right now? |
come to mind | De repente, me vino a la cabeza la idea de reparar mi vieja máquina de coser. | Suddenly, the thought of repairing my old sewing machine came to my mind. |
come to mind | Me vino a la mente un recuerdo de infancia. | A childhood memory came to mind. |
go down | Las condiciones laborales en la fábrica vinieron a menos con el cambio de administración. | The working conditions in the factory went down with the change of administration. |
be the same as [sth], be just like [sth] | Hablar de la nieve viene a ser lo mismo que hablar del frío. | Talking of snow is just the same as talking of the cold. |
be relevant | El jurado tiene que analizar todos los testimonios que vienen al caso antes de tomar una decisión. | The jury has to analyze all the testimonies that are relevant before making a decision. |
come into the world | El bebé vino al mundo a las 7 de la mañana. | The baby came into the world at 7 in the morning. |
be good for you | Unas vacaciones siempre vienen bien. | Holidays are always good for you. |
give [sb] the gossip | No me vengas con chismes de tus hermanos, que no me interesa. | Don't give me the gossip on your brothers. I'm not interested. |
come at [sb] with a story | No me vengas con el cuento de que eres fiel porque te conozco. | Don't give me the line that you are faithful; I know you. |
come from above | No hay nada que hacer; la orden viene de arriba. | There's nothing to say - the order has come from above. |
coincide with | Los ajustes anunciados por el ejecutivo vienen de la mano de varias reformas que entrarán en vigor el mes que viene. | The adjustments announced by the executive coincide with several reforms that will take effect next month. |
fit wonderfully | Le vino de maravilla que llegara su suegra a cuidar a los niños. | Her mother-in-law's arrival to care for the children was perfect. |
come on behalf of [sb] | El mensajero, que venía de parte del rey, atravesó bosques y montañas para llegar a la aldea. | The messenger, who came on behalf of the king, went through forests and mountains to reach the village. |
come at the right time, come at a good time | La ayuda de mi hermano viene de perlas porque tenemos mucho por hacer. | My brother's help came at the right time because we have so much to do. |
come in peace | Tranquilo, vengo en son de paz. | Don't worry, I come in peace. |
come toward, come towards | Un autobús que venía hacia la ciudad se volcó en la carretera. | A bus rolled over as it came toward (or: came towards) the city. |
come towards [sb] | Soñé que un tren venía hacia mí a toda velocidad. | I dreamt that the train was coming towards me at full pelt. |
suit well | Le viene muy bien cambiar de ciudad por sus problemas de salud. | Because of his health problems, changing cities would be just right for him. |